Call My Bluff is based on the TV programme where obscure English words which are scarcely ever used and so unknown to most of us are given a different description by each of 3 panellists, only one of which is correct. The audience has to guess which is the correct definition/description.
Further information about the original TV programme is available here.
The event is jointly organised the Rotary Clubs of Fareham and Fareham Meon.
Southwick Village Hall is very pleasant and fairly new, with a stage. The audience will be seated round 12 numbered tables of 10 people (it will be a bit cosy). The panel, consisting of three well-known celebrities, sit on the stage and there is a chairman. An obscure English word is shown on a screen and announced. Then in turn each panellist gives an explanation as to what the word means, trying to be convincing especially if their definition is false, only one being true, of course! The folk seated round each table confer and agree on their choice. After a short time for discussion, the chairman asks for a table (in rotation) to give their view as to which is correct. The panellists then hold up a card, 2 ‘False’, 1 ‘True’. Each table has a list which is marked as we go through the 14 words. At the end, the table with the largest number of correct guesses is the winner. A prize of little worth will be given.Half way through there is a break for a Tapas style meal, prepared by Antonio, which is plated and served to the table. Bring your own drinks. There will be a raffle.
The cost of a ticket is £18 per person.