January 2025: The Rotary Club of Royal Wootton Bassett and District helps African school girls so they do not miss school

The Rotary Club of Royal Wootton Bassett and District helps African school girls so they do not miss school

When many African girls are having their periods, they miss a week each month from school because they cannot afford sanitary pads. They revert to newspapers and rags and stay in the confines of their home. This can lead to dangerous health risks and a lack of education access.

This is very undignifying and affects their self-esteem and ability to function. It limits the potential of girls and women and cements gender inequality as a major contributor to global poverty.

Our club was kindly donated 300 period cups by Jim Pearce of Tetbury based Insight Medical Products Ltd. This was an extremely generous donation from his company. The product is so hygienic, requiring only a quick rinse in soapy water and it can then be reinserted straight away. A two-minute process requiring very little water and no drying required. With water shortages in these areas, this product is an ideal solution. The period cup has a life expectancy of around 10 years so will easily see girls through their full-time education and further and it is suitable for girls of all ages.

Our Rotary club has provided sanitary pad dressings made locally by volunteers and also Helen Chapman of The Fabric Shack in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. They include two pairs of pants in each pack. These have been sent out to the schoolgirls of Malmesbury in South Africa.

Jim Pearce and our club want to support and help these young girls lead a normal life and be able to continue daily to receive an education at school. Our support will continue. Please see attached photos of the products supplied, Jim Pearce and me.

If you wish to contribute to our cause with a donation or require further information, please email me at or through our club website.

Linda Locke
The Rotary Club of Royal Wootton Bassett and District

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