Metal Detectorists Rally 2014

Sun, Mar 16th 2014 at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

18th Annual Rotary Rally for Metal Detectorists

Club members please log in for more information.

Report from
18th Rotary Rally for Metal Detectorists
on Sunday 16 March 2014

From all over the country, more than 250 people journeyed to a farm between Calne and Chippenham. They had travelled to search for historic items hidden under the ground.

Whilst our visitors brought their metal detecting kits, the Club provided a marquee, toilets, food and drink including BBQ and a raffle.

The rally ran from 10am to 3pm and the weather was glorious throughout. Even those who found no treasures, went away happy for a great day out in a beautiful part of the countryside.

The whole event generated around

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