This extract from President John's blog sums up the day.
"They say that the best form of flattery is when you're copied. Well today we flattered Richard and Andy who last year held a President's summer garden party. We had a terrific turnout from the club which made me feel like I'm being well supported. I had been watching the weather forecast nervously all week as nearly 60 people in the house was going to be cosy to say the least. In the event it was one of the warmest days of the year, and dry! There were a few dark clouds to start with (as if someone was saying 'I'm watching you - don't annoy me!'), but they quickly dispersed and the sun shone brilliantly. After an excellent lunch organised by Rotarian Robert and 'his gals', I said a few words of wisdom (well it was as wise as I could manage), and Anthony gave a Dedication Prayer to wish the club well for the coming year. The rest of the afternoon was for people to relax, socialise, bask in the sunshine and imbibe a drink or two."
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