'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary is one of the largest and most successful global membership and humanitarian service organisations in the world. It has 1.4 million members in over 200 countries.


Children's bereavement charity Wiltshire Treehouse is based in Swindon


Giving money and support to the people in Swindon & district who need it most


Brighter Futures launched their Radiotherapy Appeal in 2015. Today, 7 years later, a ribbon cutting ceremony has taken place at the Great Western Hospital


A brief summary of our Rotary year ending 30/06/2024


Will you join our 250-Club lottery? We have run it for more than 25 years and in that time it has raised tens of thousands of Pounds for charity


We make another donation to the charity which provides emergency shelter and assistance when disasters strike


Rotary’s second major donation, of £208,000, was handed over on 7th July 2021 when local Rotarians visited the Great Western Hospital to view the build progress of the nearly completed radiotherapy unit.


We went to the races in March. It was a meeting with 10 races, 8 riders in each. It wasn’t at Epsom, or Haydock Park, or just up the M4 at Newbury. It was, of all places, in Wanborough Village Hall.


"In musical entertainment Swindon punches way above its weight. Some of the youngsters we've heard tonight will go on to make a name for themselves"


Rotarian Terry Williams' remarkable and unique fund raising effort, living in a ShelterBox emergency tent for a week in the Market Place, Highworth
