Fantasy FTSE 100 competition 2024

Our FTSE100 Competition, which runs from 6th February through to 28th April 2024 is open to all.

You and your family and friends are invited you to take part in our next FTSE100 Competition, which will run from 5th February through to 27th April 2024. 

Even if you do not win, you can have a challenge with your friends and family.  We want to have as many entries as possible so please take up the challenge and enter (or forward to) as many people as practical as soon as you can.  This competition is open to all.

The object of the competition is to invest a notional £50,000 in an Investment Portfolio of shares of not less than five companies and not more than ten companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange FTSE100, which over a specified period of twelve weeks makes the largest gain or smallest loss in total value.  A maximum of £10,000 in any one company. Further details are contained in the rules below.

A weekly report will be sent out so that you will know how your portfolio is doing.  These valuations will be emailed to all entrants.  

You will only be making a notional investment based on knowledge of the companies in the FTSE100 and the current financial landscape.

The cost to enter the competition is only £10 per entry to be paid as explained in the rules.  An entry is made by submitting the entry form either by email or by post.

The prizes will be a voucher for £100 and will be awarded to the contestants who have made the highest gain over the period or in the event of there being no gain the least loss will deemed to be the winner.  A “wooden spoon” prize – a bottle of malt whisky – will go to the competitor with the poorest performing Investment Portfolio.

Please ensure your entries are made before 4th February 2024.  I hope that you will enter and enjoy competition.


FTSE 100 Investment Competition (February to April 2024) Rules

1. Objective:  The object of the competition is to invest a notional £50,000 in an Investment Portfolio of shares in between five and ten companies quoted on the FTSE100 London Stock Exchange, which over a specified period of twelve weeks finishes at the largest amount in the competition, even if less than the commencing value of £50,000.

2. Entry:  The competition shall commence at 08:00 hours on Monday 5th February 2024 and finish at 16:30 hours on Friday 26th April 2024.  The starting price for the shares of each company shall be the closing price on Friday 2nd February 2024.  Competitors must complete an entry form and pay the entrance fee of £10.  The form is supplied in both xlsx and pdf format.

3. Investment Portfolio:  A competitor shall in the entry form name between five and ten companies for their shares to be in the Investment Portfolio and the amount of the notional investment in each company (maximum £10,000 in any one), which must total £50,000 for the whole portfolio.  The composition of the Investment Portfolio cannot be changed during the period of the competition.  As no shares are actually bought or sold, the value of each investment in a portfolio will be determined by the increase/decrease in the value of your portfolio over the period in question.  Each Investment Portfolio will start with a total value of £50,000 and will be valued at the finish of the competition based on the FTSE100 price of the shares in it at the close of business of the London Stock Exchange on Friday 26th April 2024.  No account will be taken of any dividends paid during the period of the competition and will not figure in the calculation of revised portfolio values.

4. Portfolio Name:  A competitor may choose any reasonable unique name for each Investment Portfolio entered, which will be used in publishing interim and final results.  Weekly updates will be posted online so if you do not want your full name to appear there, please make sure that you give us the name you wish displayed.

5. Communication:  A competitor shall provide an email address for communication, which will be treated as confidential.  Competitors will be notified of the number of shares held in each company in their Investment Portfolio and weekly reports on the performance of all the Investment Portfolios in the competition and the final result will be published by email to the competitors.

6. Payment:  Payment of the entry fee must be made before 5th February either by bank transfer or cheque.  It will be preferred if a bank transfer is used.  A bank transfer for each entry should be made to Rotary Club of West Fife Charitable Trust (sort code 80-06-55 account number 00707555).  If paying by cheque please make payable to Rotary Club of West Fife Charitable Trust should be sent by post to Douglas Scott, 47 Craigdimas Grove, Dalgety Bay, KY11 9XR with the entry form giving the competitor’s Investment Portfolio name and email address.  A cheque can be sent for a number of entries, but it must have with it a note of all Investment Portfolio names and an email address for each entry.

7. Result and Prizes:  All the Investment Portfolios will be ranked according to their finishing value.  The winner shall be the competitor whose Investment Portfolio is valued at the finish at the largest amount in the competition, even if less than the commencing value of £50,000.  The prize will be a voucher for £100, with a wooden spoon prize, a bottle of malt whisky to the competitor with the lowest value Investment Portfolio.  

8. Demoted Companies:  In the event that a company leaves the FTSE100 Index during the period of the competition its shares shall remain eligible for the competition and shall be valued at the London Stock Exchange price and be included in the result of the competition.


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more Mac Scot9 still leads the way in a week where some wise entrants gained over £2000

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more Final week leaves Zona top of the leaderboard

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more A new leader but competition tightens at top and bottom

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more Little drama in this week in our competition

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more Quiet week on the markets

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more The market this week has brought us a new leader

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more Banking stocks were predictably still the weakest performers

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more A dramatic week on the markets leaves only three entrants in positive funds!

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more Weak and muted market makes little difference in our competition

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more We have a new leader after suggestion that the economic picture may not be as dire as had been predicted

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more Good for Rolls Royce backers, not so good for mining shares

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more Results for week ending 10th February 2023

FTSE 100 Competition 2023

more Our FTSE100 Competition, which runs from 6th February through to 28th April 2023 is open to all.

FTSE 100 Final Results

more Winner puts in a strong finish to pip our long time leader

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 11

more Little change as contest goes into its final week

FTSE 100 Results Week 10

more The FTSE 100 started the week at 7387.94, touched as low as 7,158 points on Thursday, its lowest since March but gained 184.81 points on Friday to close at 7,418.15.

FTSE 100 Week 9 Results

more Poor week for the index, entrants closing in on our leader

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 8

more No significant changes in this week's competition

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 7

more Our competition leader kenco increased his lead however, now almost £3000 ahead of Spider in second and Sammy’s Granny in third.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 6

more In our FTSE 100 competition kenco still leads the way though his lead has lessened again. Spider goes second with a Comrie Colliery dropping to third.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 5

more Our leader is still kenco but his advantage has been cut by Comrie Colliery on second. Spider is down one in third, Ross Grieve jumps from 17th to fourth and Fiona Spriddle is up four to fifth.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 4

more All our entrants have improved on their initial £50000 investment. The new leader is kenco with a massive £15,126 gain after one month.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 3

more The index gains 78 points on the week and all our entrants are in profit

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 2

more The movers and shakers in week 2 of our competition

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 1

more First week of our latest FTSE 100 competition. 73 of the 100 gained in value

Join our Fantasy FTSE League with our FTSE 100 Investment Competition

more Please do you best to encourage entries the leader after twelve weeks wins £100 voucher. We are paying out in vouchers since we do not want the winner under pressure to donate back the prize.

FTSE 100 Competition Final Results

more At the conclusion of our FTSE 100 competition The Piper is our winner

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 12

more Worst trading day since March 2020 impacts our competition

FTSE 100 Competition Results Week 11

more The FTSE 100 opened the week on 7347.91 and closed on Friday at 7223.57.

FTSE 100 Competition Results Week 10

more Our competition has a new leader - John Beswarick who moves from fifth to pole position

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more Oil price volatility and increased confidence in travel affects share prices

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more Leader and top ten entrants remain the same

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more A flat week on the market but some competitors make significant moves

FTSE 100 Competition Results Week 6

more 30 of our 76 entrants are up on their 1st September starting values.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 5

more Leader remains the same

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more Our leader increases his lead

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more Massive swings for the fortunes of entrants

FTSE 100 Results Week 2

more Update on how entrants portfolios are doing.

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more News of where entrants started and how they fared in the first period of trading

chart-Image by Csaba Nagy from Pixabay

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FTSE 100 Competition Results week 12

more With one week remaining Ginger Biscuit hits the front but we are poised for a close finish

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 11

more Our competition is still led by Gavin Riddell with a £7941 gain but the top eight are separated by less that £1000.

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more Sterling plunges but lifts FTSE to new high

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 9

more In our competition those holding International Consolidated Airlines benefited the most in terms of leaders and movers. Gavin Riddell has regained the lead,

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 8

more It was the third week where the FTSE 100 moved only marginally, it gained 0.5% on the week 84 of our 115 entrants are currently showing gains on their notional £50,000 start.

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more Leader loses ground as Ginger Biscuit makes considerable gains

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more We have a new leader with Michael Riddell (+£5132) taking over at the top from Ogg of Echt.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 3

more FTSE 100 rise to close at 6624, creating major swings in our competition table

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 2

more Optimism over the future direction of the UK economy helped push the FTSE higher to close 86 points up at 6,589.79 on Friday.

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FTSE 100 Competition Results week 13

more Volatile week on stock market yields a new leader in our contest

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 12

more There is enough volatility about to mean that the last eight trading days of our contest will be extremely interesting.

FTSE 100 Competition Results week 11

more Travel-related stocks continued to suffer, International Consolidated Airlines losing 11.5% on the week closely followed by easyJet who were down 9.9%.


FTSE 100 Week 10 Results

more Fragility of the economy means the slightest bit of bad news could be enough to cause further volatility in markets.


FTSE 100 Week 9 Results

more Leader’s advantage narrows in a market that was described as directionless.

Image by Ahmad Ardity from Pixabay

FTSE 100 Week 8 Results

more Only 26 of the FTSE 100 shares made gains this week but 43 of our entrants made positive gains.


FTSE 100 Week 7 Results

more Leaders lose ground as others make remarkable catch ups


FTSE 100 Week 6 Results

more 61 of our 152 entrants are now showing gains on their initial £50,000 investment


FTSE 100 Week 5 Results

more Leaders and trailers stay the same as index dips to ten week low


FTSE 100 Week 4 Results

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FTSE 100 Week Three Results

more Week Three sees a new leader though the entrants at top and bottom remain mainly the same


FTSE 100 Week Two Results

more Week 2 of the FTSE 100 competition has seen some spectacular movements within the leaders’ table both upwards and downwards

FTSE 100 Week One Results

more Only 13 companies are currently showing gains in values, our leader has made a £6895 gain on the £50,000 investment.

Enter now and help us raise funds for Rotary and local charities

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