The Rotary Club of West Fife meets on Tuesday evenings, please check "Meetings and Events" for venue and topics.
We are looking for new members, come and join us, a diverse group of local people dedicated to helping the community—giving something back to society by giving of our time and skills, while enjoying the fellowship of like-minded friends.
The Rotary Club of West Fife is a charity fundraising organisation, based in Dunfermline and the area west as far as Kincardine, where the club has been supporting the community since 1979.
We raise money through local events and collections for local and international causes, including natural disasters.
Our members join together in a wide range of social events, such as theatre visits, walks, meals out and informal sports. We have fun and make friends while helping others.
The meetings are held weekly on Tuesdays and members are welcome to attend as often as they can.
Another way to participate is through the Friends of Rotary – individuals who want to contribute to Rotary but may not choose to become a full member at this time.
If you are interested in joining us or would like to know more about Rotary and our Club, please click the Contact link at the top of this page to get in touch.
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