Last One Dancing Competition

Our fun competition based on the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing Show returns

The challenge is to predict the couple to leave Strictly Come Dancing each week and reach the final where you then need to pick the winner.

Update after Quarter Final Dance Off

This weekend the Dance Off was contested by 
Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova
AJ Odudu and Kai Widdrington

AJ and Kai got the unanimous backing of the judges so Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova went out. 

Our Last One Dancing competition was won by Mulberry Lodge a couple of weeks ago but our Plate competition was still being contested by Robert North and Jean Nelson. This week Robert went for Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova and Jean went for Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu.

Rhys and Nancy went through to the next week while Robert correctly predicted that Dan and Nadiya would go out this week. 

Jean was runner up last year and this year in the Plate finds herself second again, bad luck!

Robert therefore picks up the two bottles of wine prize for winning the Plate, well done.

For your information the Strictly Come Dancing semi final will now be contested by
1. AJ Odudu and Kai Widdrington
2. John Whaite and Johannes Radebe
3. Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
4. Rose Ayling-Ellis and Giovanni Pernice

Thank you all for your support for this competition. With donations Rotary should make £260 from this fun contest.

Update after Ninth Dance Off

This weekend the Dance Off was contested by 

* Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
* Tilly Ramsay and Nikita Kuzmin

Robert and Jean both went for Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova who went through to the next week and so they go again next week as well. For the record Tilly Ramsay and Nikita Kuzmin were eliminated.

Update after Eighth Dance Off

This weekend the Dance Off was contested by 

* Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
* Tom Fletcher and Amy Dowden

Rhys and Nancy got the majority judges vote so Tom Fletcher and Amy Dowden went out. 

Our Last One Dancing competition was won by Mulberry Lodge but the Plate competition is still being contested by Robert and Jean. Both went for Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova who went through to the next week and so they go again next week as well.

Who will be next to leave Strictly?  Robert and Jean have one prediction each please to be submitted by 23:59 on Friday 26th November for next Sunday night’s elimination from:-

1. AJ Odudu and Kai Widdrington
2. John Whaite and Johannes Radebe
3. Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
4. Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova
5. Rose Ayling-Ellis and Giovanni Pernice
6. Tilly Ramsay and Nikita Kuzmin

Update after Seventh Dance Off

Our Last One Dancing competition was won in Week Seven by Mulberry Lodge who kindly donated the £140 prize money to the club. Thank you.

The Plate competition continued and both entrants remaining Robert and Jean went for Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova to leave the programe. Both were wrong and so go again next week.

The Dance Off was between 
Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin
Sara Davies and Aljaž Škorjanec

Sara Davies and Aljaž Škorjanec left the show after the judges unanimously voted to save Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin.

Update after Sixth Dance Off

In our competition two entrants remained in each of the Last One Dancing and Plate competitions. In Last One Dancing Mulberry Lodge went for Adam Peaty and Katya Jones to leave while Twinkle Toes went for Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova. In the Plate both Robert North and Jean Nelson went for Adam Peaty and Katya Jones.

The Dance Off on Sunday 7th November was contested by:-

Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin
Adam Peaty and Katya Jones

Following the Dance Off:-
Craig saved Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin 
Motsi saved Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin
Anton saved Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin

Shirley’s vote was not required but she would have saved Adam Peaty and Katya Jones.

As a result of Adam Peaty and Katya Jones going out Mulberry Lodge won our Last Man Dancing. Well done to her, prize money of £140 is on its way.

The Plate competition continues with Robert and Jean asked to nominate from the remaining couples.

Update after Fifth Dance Off

The Dance Off on Sunday night was between the following couples:-

Adam Peaty and Katya Jones
Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima

Following the Dance Off:-
Craig saved Adam Peaty and Katya Jones 
Motsi saved Adam Peaty and Katya Jones
Anton saved Adam Peaty and Katya Jones
Shirley’s vote was not required but she admitted that she would have voted similarly.

All four of our competition entrants correctly went for Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima, and so Mulberry Lodge and Twinkle Toes go again next week in our Last One Dancing competition and in the Plate competition through to next week are Robert North and Jean Nelson

update after Fourth Dance Off

In our Last One Dancing, both in the main and plate competitions two entrants nominated Ugo Monye and Oti Mabuse and one Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova. 

Strictly Come Dancing results night saw Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu and Ugo Monye and Oti Mabuse contest the Dance Off. 

Craig saved Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
Motsi saved Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
Anton saved Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu

That meant an exit for Ugo Monye and Oti Mabuse

So Mulberry Lodge and Twinkle Toes go again next week in our Last One Dancing competition.

In the Plate competition through to next week are Robert North and Jean Nelson

update after Third Dance Off

Strictly Come Dancing results night saw Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima and Greg Wise and Karen Hauer contest the Dance Off. Nerves got to both couples and made a number of mistakes.

Craig saved Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima
Motsi saved Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima
Anton saved Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima
That meant an exit for Greg Wise and Karen Hauer.

Shirley said that she would have saved Greg Wise and Karen Hauer!

All three of our main competition -Last One Dancing - entrants nominated Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima. So back come Trauts Locin, Mulberry Lodge and Twinkle Toes to go again next week.

In the Plate competition 
3 went for Greg Wise and Karen Hauer
6 went for Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima

Through to next week are Robert North, Jean Nelson and Eilidh Giudice. Well done.

Update after Second Dance Off

The votes have been counted and the judges have made their Dance Off decisions.

The five entrants we had remaining in our Last One Dancing competition had plumped for the following to be eliminated in this, Movie Week:-

3 for Katie McGlynn and Gorka Marquez
1 for Ugo Monye and Oti Mabuse
1 for Robert Webb and Diane Buswell

At the end of Saturday night’s programme Adam Peaty and Katya Jones were bottom of the leaderboard but after the public voted the two couples who had to compete in the Dance Off were:-

  • Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima
  • Katie McGlynn and Gorka Marquez

Katie and Gorka went out on a 3-1 vote by the judges. Well done to the three entrants had the correct prediction:- Trauts locin, Mulberry Lodge and Twinkle Toes

Update: After First Dance Off

The first Dance Off of the 2021 Strictly Come Dancing series on Sunday night was between Katie McGlynn and Gorka Marque, and Nina Wadia and Neil Jones.

Craig Revel Horwood and Motsi Mabuse voted to saved Katie and Gorka, Anton du Beke then voted for Nina and Neil. When head judge Shirley Ballas added her vote, it saved Katie and Gorka, so Nina Wadia and Neil Jones went out.

We had five entrants who predicted correctly and continue in Last One Dancing namely:-

Trauts Locin
Twinkle Toes
Lynsey Spriddle
Mulberry Lodge

All those who went out will be entered in our ‘plate’ competition which will start after next week’s drop outs join them. An email will follow regards this on Monday 11th October.

For our five remaining entrants please reply by 23:59 on Friday 8th October with your choice of who will be eliminated in next Sunday’s Dance Off. If no one is correct, all five go through to the following week.


    Strictly is back and the 2021 series is likely to be another keenly fought competition for the famous Glitterball Trophy.  The launch show was shown on BBC One on Saturday 18th September and the first dance off will be on 2nd October.  

    How To Play

    1          Each week players pick one couple from the list of contestants to be eliminated from the show
    2          Players require their couple to be eliminated for them to remain in the contest
    3          Each week all players with wrong predictions are out but a plate competition will be run for those entrants eliminated in the first two dance offs
    4          For subsequent weeks players can predict any pairing remaining
    5          Results and reminder notifications will be sent out each week by email
    6          If players forget to make a selection they will automatically be assigned the couple that survived the previous programme’s dance off
    7          When the final is reached remaining players will be asked to predict the Strictly winner
    8          The Last One Dancing – i.e. the player predicting the winning pair -wins our contest
    9          50% of the competition income will go to the entrant reaching the final and predicting the winners.  If more than one player remains at the end, the prize pot will be shared
    10        A nomination form for the first elimination night is attached and entrants remaining will be sent a new nomination form for each week they remain in this competition. 
    11        Predictions must be placed each week by 23:59 hours Friday night prior to each programme.

    Entry Fee is £10 and payment should be made to Rotary Club of West Fife Charitable Trust: Sort Code: 80-06-55             Account No. 00707555

    Completed entry form should be emailed to  by Friday 1st October 2021

    The pairings are as follows:

    Olympic swimmer Adam Peaty and Katya Jones
    TV presenter AJ Odudu and Kai Widdrington
    BBC Breakfast host Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova
    Crown actor Greg Wise and Karen Hauer
    Bake Off star John Whaite and Johannes Radebe
    Loose Women’s Judi Love and Graziano Di Prima
    Former Corrie actress Katie McGlynn & Gorka Marquez
    Former Eastender Nina Wadia and Neil Jones
    CBeebies presenter Rhys Stephenson and Nancy Xu
    Peep Show actor Robert Webb and Dianne Buswell
    Dragons Den star Sara Davies and Aljaž Škorjanec
    TV chef and presenter Tilly Ramsey and Nikita Kuzmin
    McFly star Tom Fletcher and Amy Dowden
    Rugby legend Ugo Monye and Oti Mabuse
    First ever deaf contestant Rose Ayling-Ellis & Giovanni Pernice

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