The Lyne Burn Project

Tue, Nov 23rd 2021 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Speaker is Alexandra Hoadley from the Fife Coast & Countryside Trust.
Council will meet following this meeting.

Alexandra Hoadley, Conservation Officer at Fife Coast and Countryside Trust (FCCT) addressed the club on the subject of the Lyne Burn Project.

She explained that the project is led by Fife Council with Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and FCCT as partners. Fife Council oversees the project and are also main funders of the Greenspace element. 

SEPA have provided £1.1m for river restoration within their overarching objective to improve quality of our rivers. Alexandra sits within a FCCT team of conservation officers conducting surveys and site visits, and co-ordinate volunteer events throughout Fife. 

The Lyne Burn flows from the north east of Dunfermline out west towards Crossford and eventually into the Forth at Ironmill Bay. The project site is in the Rex Park, Lyne Burn Park, Touch section.

The Lyne Burn is culverted under Lyneburn Park which was once a quarry. An active travel path already runs along the side of the burn as a partnership between Fife Council and Sustran. 

The three main aims are

1. River restoration 
2. Greenspace improvement
3. Community Engagement 

The river restoration will correct a 500 metres section of the burn’s shape back to it natural meandering following it being artificially straightened at some point in the past. Slowing the flow of the water will improve river habitat and climate resilience.

The project started in May 2021 and it intended to be completed by the end of 2021. Before completion wildflower seeds and trees will be planted. The football pitch will be re-instated with the added benefit of it being levelled. 

Following on from the river restoration there will be two phases to the Greenspace improvements stretching through to mid 2022.

These improvements will be landscaping works designed by Edinburgh base architects, Urban Pioneers.
Phase one will see the Greenspace improvements in Rex Park and planting in Touch.
Phase two will be Lyneburn Park with Community Garden in Touch.

This will improve the Greenspace for people and biodiversity. The quality of grassland will be improved and environment for pollinators. The Greenspace improvements will be undertaken a combination of contracted works and community groups.

FCCT are keen that this part of the project gets community engagement and be delivered by the community with involvement in tree planting. 

Alexandra is charged with community engagement with online presentations and talks. The talk to RCWF was her first in person. So far areas for sledging were noted and so trees would not be planted there but bulbs are fine. 

Consultation has involved the Touch Community Garden group and 40th Fife scout group. There will be a joint orchard in partnership with the scouts. Soroptimists fundraised for trees that they then planted as the first planting undertaken.

There is a proposal for allotments in the Lyneburn Park area. Pond dipping with high school groups from Woodmill and St Columba’s has already examined the water quality in the burn. When the project is completed then comparisons can be made.  Butterfly Conservation will be included in future and there will be guided walks. 

This is conservation on your doorstep.

The club’s formal vote of thanks was given by Past President Brian.

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Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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