Community Police - Terrorism

Tue, Oct 19th 2021 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

This is the second of our alternative format meetings and it will be held at The Inn at Charlestown.

Davie Bell from Police Scotland, Counter Terrorism gave a really interesting talk on what is being done to safeguard the public in the UK.

Bullet points from Davie's talk:-

Contest is the name given to the UK Government counter Terrorism strategy.

Not owned by Police and relies on partnership working. The aim is to reduce the risk to the United Kingdom 

The CONTEST strategy is based on four individual work streams:-

* Prevent - to stop people becoming

* Pursue

* Protect - infrastructure, car checks 

* Prepare - screening social media

Pre 911 the focus was on Irish related terrorism that then switched to international terrorism.

UK threat Level System

Currently at Substantial- an attack is likely
Critical twice in recent years both in 2017 after
Ariana Grande concert in Manchester
- Finsbury Park Mosque Murder
Severe - an attack is highly likely
Moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
Low - an attack is unlikely 

International terrorism

Relates to extremism / terrorism that goes beyond national boundaries

Extreme Right Wing Terrorism
Relates to those whose activities are motivated by a political or cultural viewpoint which includes extreme nationalism, racism, fascism and Neo-Nazism.

Extreme Left Wing Terrorism
a political or cultural ideology inspired by Marxist Communism.

Who are the threats?
International terrorism- Al Qaida, IS/Daesh
Northern Ireland Related Terrorism 
Domestic Extemism
Environmental/ Animal Rights / Single Issue Groups
Lone Actors

Stay Safe Videos

Well received messages 

RUN, if not hide
Insist others go with you
Don’t let them slow you down
If you can’t run, HIDE
Dial 999 when you are safe
Give your location. 

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Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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