Convener's Report (Membership) AGM 2021

A summary of achievements during the 2020-21 Rotary year

Membership report for Rotary year up to 18th May 2021.

A difficult year in respect of attracting new members, meant that during the course of the year, RCWF only attracted one new member. That new member (Janice Sinclair) did go through the clubs 1st virtual introduction and induction. That means we currently have 36 active members (depending on how we define active!!) and 2 Honorary members.

We did have a couple of other enquiries in relation to membership. But possibly due to the lack of face to face meetings, those enquiries didn’t really materialise into any real interest.

We completed our 2nd member survey, which generated some interesting conversations, and keenly debated thoughts and ideas on how the club should move forward.

Briefly the survey had a decent response of more than 80% of the members, and responses helped focus thoughts on proposals for next year on how the Rotary year could be structured and also on how and where the meetings should take place.

The survey did highlight that Social contribution is, and should remain one of her primary focuses in the coming year, along with social reasons and meeting friends. As we are all aware apart from a single walk around Lochore Meadows there has been no opportunity this year for either social events or meetings to take place.

All of our meetings whether or not we liked it have taken place by Zoom. So in an attempt to pad this report out, I thought I would add some facts and figures in relation to our attendance at these meetings.

Between 11th August and 20th April we had 19 meetings.

The average attendance at those meetings was between 23 & 24 members, and attendance was never below 20.

Although we have an active membership of 36 there were in fact 4 members who never attended any of the meetings. So in true statistical style I will choose when I have included those members in my percentages!!

The highest number in attendance was 26 (which we achieved more than once).

Although I can’t report on official numbers we did have several meetings where we had 10+ guests attending, and these included guests from USA & Australia.

We had 6 members who attended all of the meetings, well done to those that achieved that (This equates to just over 18% of the membership (** note the earlier comment about active members **)

However just as impressive was that nearly 60% of the members attended more than 75% of the meetings and 9 the members attended more than 90% of the meetings.  (Zoom can’t be that bad!!)

Thanks for the input for survey and the support throughout the course of the year.

Membership Convenor

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