District Council Meeting

Sat, Mar 27th 2021 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Douglas represented the club


A full recording of the meeting is available here. https://youtu.be/0iwFej-hm_c

A recording of Rotary GB&I President Tom is available here.https://youtu.be/oN1omRpFnVg)


Welcome and Apologies: DG Alistair welcomed 140 members representing 72 clubs. Apologies had been received from Rotary Foundation Team Leader Bill Ross who was attending a Rotary GB&I seminar.

DG Alistair also welcomed Rotary GB&I President Tom Griffin and Barry Fisher, Chief Executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful.

DG AlistairDG Alistair thanked clubs for their hard work during the pandemic so that we ensured that Rotary remained at the heart of the community. Many hours of service had been given along with large amounts of funding. Clubs had demonstrated that they were flexible and open to change. DG Alistair expressed his pride in District 1010 clubs.

ReportsIn addition to reports previously distributed, DG Alistair drew attention to the Guidance for Clubs on District Grants.

Team Leader Community and Vocational Service David highlighted information on KidsOut contained in his report. Steve Cartwright (contact details in report) the Rotary GB&I coordinator is very willing to speak to clubs. David would also welcome expressions of interest from any one willing to be the district specialist on this topic.

Approval of Draft District BudgetDistrict Treasurer Ewen advised that some figures had changed since the draft budget was prepared. A note of this is attached. Ewen would welcome comments on budget issues by 3 April 2021 and he will then issue a revised budget. The vote will be taken electronically.

Rotary GB&I President Tom reemphasised the flexibility of Rotary during the pandemic and suggested that our work had reemphasised to the public all we do. It had allowed us to be flexible. He encouraged all clubs to hold a strategic meeting in order to look to the future.

He highlighted the need to continue with End Polio Now funding as this had reduced during the pandemic.

On membership, he talked about the need to recruit new members highlighting that last Rotary year we lost 2,500 – the average size of one district. He remained optimistic that Rotary had a lot to give m embers through the opportunity to volunteer both locally and internationally. He suggested that it could be attractive to younger people who wanted to be part of something big but we should not put obstacles in the way through time commitment and cost. New opportunities can be created through new clubs and satellites. This also included direct Rotary through the Global Hub.

Clubs need to grasp the opportunity to recruit members and Rotary GB&I and Districts need to lead.

The opportunity was being created by Rotary GB&I for clubs to work together to share resources but this would be at a pace determined by those working together.

Changes to the governing body would be brought to the Rotary GB&I Annual Business Meeting in May 2021which would suggest that the governing body would be reduced to the General Secretary and twelve other members. These members would serve for three years and retire by rotation. Any Rotarian could put themselves forward for these posts.

Tom suggested that we stand at the threshold of change. Covid had brought problems but it had also brought opportunities.

Growing Our Membership: DG Alistair advised that he had already visited 43 clubs with more visits planned. He highlighted the need for Membership, Public Image and Learning and Development Teams to work together. Clubs need to be attractive to potential members and many clubs had already taken steps to do this.

Alistair intended to hold a quarterly Zoom meeting for new members so that they could meet the district team and learn more about Rotary.

In addition he considered that there was a need for mentor training and would be taking this forward along with public image including engaging the public and new members through short videos.

Alistair advised that he would lead the membership team in the coming year and encouraged everyone to consider new clubs, cause based clubs, environmental clubs and eclubs and emphasised that district was here to support.

Barry Fisher of Keep Scotland Beautiful highlighted that the three districts in Scotland had agreed a partnership with KSB. The role of KSB was to support people to make changes either as groups or individuals. Along with combatting climate change KSB worked at protecting and enhancing places and reducing litter and waste.

More information will be available shortly on the partnership.

RYLA Coordinator Gavin McKenzie updated the situation on RYLA. The camp would now last for five days from Mon day to early Saturday morning. Numbers of candidates would be kept to 42 as well as eight leaders and mentors The girls camp was filling well and a little encouragement was needed to fill the boys’ camp.

Travel arrangements were being considered currently.

Rotary Insurance does not cover Personal Accident Insurance and any club wishing to take this out for candidates should complete the form available on the Rotary GB&I website.

District Shop: Alison Stedman advised that the shop was open for business and it was hoped that an on-line version would be available soon. Alison can be contacted on annistonmill@hotmail.com.

District Conference: John Johnstone advised that more information would be available on the website from 1 April 2021. However, the plan for the virtual conference on 6 June 2021 was a morning session of two hours with four speakers and an afternoon one of three hours with five speakers.

Prior to the Conference clubs are invited to make a one minute presentation about a charity and four will be chosen to present at the Conference. There will be an online vote with the winner gaining £1000.

For the evening session the Conference team are looking for talented individuals to provide recorded entertainment, possibly five minutes on video.

Vote of Thanks: AG Alistair Walker gave a very comprehensive vote of thanks to those who had contributed to the meeting. In addition, he thanked DG Alistair and DGE Heather and other district team members for leadership in a difficult year.

Next Meeting: Date and venue to be confirmed.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Members allocated for reception and vote of thanks duties


Information and application form. Scroll down to see who has benefited from our grants programme.


Oiling the West Fife Club's Rotary wheel


Rotary in our Community


International Service Projects


Primary Schools linked to Rotary Club of West Fife:- Blairhall, Cairneyhill, Carnock, Crossford, Camdean, Culross, Inzievar, Holy Name, Limekilns, Milesmark, St Serfs, Saline, Torryburn, Tulliallan. Secondary Schools:- Queen Anne and Woodmill

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The Entertainment Agenda


The club has a varied and interesting sports programme incorporated under the Entertainment Programme. .


Filed Audited Accounts


Paul Harris Fellowship Awardees


Rotary shares an interest in protecting our common legacy: the environment.


Newsletters detailing projects undertaken by all Rotary Clubs in Fife in partnership


All the club’s policies covering Equality & Diversity and GDPR
