Treasurer's Report AGM April 2017

Financial activity over the Rotary year

The Charitable Trust Fund shows a balance of over £18000 being carried forward to Rotary Year 2016-17

This is after our obligation to the Malawi Project having been completed and also our support for Talking Tandems both in addition to our normal support for charities including Maggies, Children in Need and of course our own Rotary Foundation

During this current year we are supporting a range of additional projects but still keeping within the budgets allocated to the various committees

It is anticipated that at year end we should have a charitable budget of £16000 to be allocated to conveners to spend in Rotary Year 2017-18 and an additional £5000 which has been donated to our club by David Miller. Arrangements will be made to allocate this to deserving local needs for community benefit. President Neil will be agreeing the budget figures with each of the incoming conveners.

We have claimed Gift Aid as appropriate on our fundraising and submitted signed and audited accounts to OSCR the charity regulator within the prescribed time frame.

As far as the General or Club Account is concerned we still maintain adequate funds to run the club and while Rotary GB&I and District fees account for almost all of our subscriptions it is my intention to keep the annual subscription unchanged at £75

Alastair DurkieContact Alastair Durkie about this page:

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