Aquaboxes - Stuart Nicol

Tue, Aug 19th 2008 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

PP Stuart made a presentation to demonstrate to the club the options available for support in International Service.  Two DVDs were shown; one on Aquaboxes and the other on the work of Leonard Cheshire Homes.  The Club has a budget of £4500 to go towards International in this Rotary year and £450 of that has already been committed for the purchase of six gold Aquaboxes.

The sum of £500 would be required for Leonard Cheshire to train two teachers in Africa in the skills of integrated education for disabled children.  There was a good and supportive discussion with the main complaint being the lack of feedback on the benefits emanating from the Club's support.

Leonard Cheshire Disability (Rotary GB&I Partner Charity 2008-09)

David Moyes reported on the progress of last year's Ken Forbes Quaich.  Comparing it to reaching the foothills of Everest, he said that the first round was now complete and he requested the next ties to be played as soon as possible.

PP Tom Pettigrew announced that the Ultimate Quiz would be held on Friday 7th November.  Teams of four would be invited to take part, each pledging a minimum of £100 for Rotary charities and Children in Need.

PP Alex Imrie made the draw for hosts and guests at this year's Community Buffet Suppers.

Opportunities to Serve

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Members allocated for reception and vote of thanks duties


Information and application form. Scroll down to see who has benefited from our grants programme.


Oiling the West Fife Club's Rotary wheel


Rotary in our Community


International Service Projects


Primary Schools linked to Rotary Club of West Fife:- Blairhall, Cairneyhill, Carnock, Crossford, Camdean, Culross, Inzievar, Holy Name, Limekilns, Milesmark, St Serfs, Saline, Torryburn, Tulliallan. Secondary Schools:- Queen Anne and Woodmill

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The Entertainment Agenda


The club has a varied and interesting sports programme incorporated under the Entertainment Programme. .


Filed Audited Accounts


Paul Harris Fellowship Awardees


Rotary shares an interest in protecting our common legacy: the environment.


Newsletters detailing projects undertaken by all Rotary Clubs in Fife in partnership


All the club’s policies covering Equality & Diversity and GDPR
