Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) acknowledges that it has a responsibility to ensure that all Rotary districts and Rotary clubs within RIBI are made aware of the essential need to plan and organise all Rotary activities and events in a safe manner.
RIBI is committed to ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to safeguard the participants, members of the public, volunteers, Rotarians and anyone who may be in the vicinity of a Rotary event or activity from risk of injury or ill health resulting directly or indirectly from that activity or event. RIBI is committed to:
• Promoting and encouraging development of safe practice as the normal acceptable
standard for all Rotary events and activities.
• Providing all districts with information and advice to enable them to formulate and
implement their own health and safety policies and to provide the same service to their
respective clubs.
• Establishing systems and procedures that will ensure districts and clubs have access to up
to date information and safety advice when so required.
• Developing and encouraging communication at all levels in order to develop the
exchange of ideas and to promote best practice at all levels within RIBI.
The overall responsibility for safety at any Rotary activity or event lies with the district or club organising it in accordance with all current legislation including Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The responsibility for implementation of this, the overall RIBI safety policy, lies with the General Council of RIBI. In support of this policy the General Council will appoint a Compliance Officer who will report and operate through the RIBI Executive Committee.
The executive for each district within RIBI are charged with ensuring that the district and all clubs in their district develop and put into practice an effective working safety policy. Each district executive should appoint a Compliance and/or Health & Safety Advisor, and the Rotary Club of West Fife has a Compliance Officer to liaise with the RIBI Compliance Officer and other safety representatives in order to promote, encourage and develop suitable and sufficient health and safety practice at all Rotary events and activities.
This policy statement, and all related documents, will be reviewed by RIBI at the end of each Rotary year following which appropriate advice and updated documents, if so required, will be provided to all RIBI districts. This policy statement, and any documents based upon it, should be re-validated annually by signing the RIBI Combined Compliance Statement.
Risk Assessment template_RCWF.doc
more Compliance Statement signed by the Secretary on behalf of the club, confirming that Club Council has read and adopted the RIBI documents
more Communicating online with children and vulnerable people
more Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) is committed to promoting equality, fairness and respect.
more On 25th May 2018 data protection regulations are changing. These changes give you more rights, including the ability to amend or withdraw from how we use your data and to ask to see, update or remove it.
more Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (“we”) promise to respect the confidentiality of any personal data you share with us
more The Clubs believe that children have the right to be secure from abuse, and RIBI are committed to protecting all the children in their care from harm.
more The Club believes that vulnerable adults must be safeguarded from all forms of abuse. It recognises that it must at all times protect vulnerable adults from the risk of abuse and identify and deal with specific instances of abuse if they occur.
more This document has been produced to clarify those lines in some detail, in order that we may protect our Rotary values and our standing in the wider community.
more Disability is an Equality and Diversity issue. As Rotarians we need to give this full and proper consideration in order not only that we comply with the law, but also our obligations as Rotarians
more 2019-2020
back All the club’s policies covering Equality & Diversity and GDPR