Decision made to move venue

Tue, Sep 8th 2009 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

No meeting at the Pitfirrane Hotel this evening

On Tuesday 8th September the club met at Queensferry Lodge.  President George intimated that everyone had been informed that this meeting would make decisions on the venue for future club meetings.

Following the meeting held in the Dunfermline Golf Club last month all avenues had been explored.  The Golf Club had been approached to find out if they would be interested in being considered as a possible venue.  The Golf Club were interested and offered a one year trial.  They had identified a little problem with catering for Tuesday golf parties during the summer but felt that was not insurmountable.

There was a view expressed that the Golf Club was not really suitable as a venue. Pitbauchlie House Hotel had been asked if they were interested but had turned down the opportunity.

It was suggested that the motive to move venue was ambience and food but the need to attract new members was an additional issue.  After a full discussion a ballot was taken on the motion to move from the Pitfirrane.  That was carried by 22 votes to 4 with 1 abstention.

Next a vote was taken on choice of venue with the Golf Club gaining 7 votes, Queensferry Lodge 17 votes and 3 abstentions.

Those present agreed that the club should leave their current on good terms and President George was tasked to talk to the management with regard to leaving. He described the decision as momentus in the 31 year history of the Rotary Club of West Fife and it was hoped that negotiations and notice could take place that would mean that the club could move by the start of October.

In other business Robert Haig announced that 1000 Shoeboxes had been ordered after positive commitment from local schools. The College Club sent a large thank you card for the efforts of club members at Pattiesmuir Hall.

There will be a meeting of the Foundation and International Committee next week.

Tom Pettigrew reported that 14 members and friends had taken part in the 8 mile Coastal Walk from St Monans to Crail.  Secretary Roger updated members on the progress of Zadie Williamson who had received £150 to go to Sweden with the GB equestrian vaulting team.

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