Club's Compliance Statement

Compliance Statement signed by the Secretary on behalf of the club, confirming that Club Council has read and adopted the RIBI documents



The Constitution of Rotary GB&I (Article 5, Section D) provides that every club in the Area (Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) is bound in all things, not contrary to law, by the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association and shall observe the provisions thereof. Clubs are also bound by the general law of the jurisdiction within which that club is located.

Rotary GB&I does not seek to advise clubs on matters of general law but does try to help clubs to ensure that they comply with certain specific legal frameworks which are likely to apply to the regular activities of all or most clubs.

To that end, Rotary GB&I has produced the following documents:

  • General Data Protection Privacy Policy Notice
  • Equality and Diversity Policy (linked with the Dignity Policy)
  • Health and Safety Policy Statement
  • Safeguarding (Children) Policy
  • Safeguarding (Vulnerable Adults) Policy
and has invited clubs to read and adopt these documents at a Club Council meeting. Adherence to these documents should ensure that no club inadvertently finds itself in breach of these areas of general law.

This Compliance Statement has been signed by the Club Secretary on behalf of the club, confirming that Club Council has read and adopted at a Club Council meeting the documents referred to above along with the Insurance Guidance document.

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Image: Free for commercial use from Pixabay

Online Safety Policy & Procedure

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Health and Safety Policy

more Ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to safeguard the participants, members of the public, volunteers, Rotarians and anyone who may be in the vicinity of a Rotary event or activity


Equality and Diversity Policy

more Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) is committed to promoting equality, fairness and respect.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

General Data Protection Regulations

more On 25th May 2018 data protection regulations are changing. These changes give you more rights, including the ability to amend or withdraw from how we use your data and to ask to see, update or remove it.


Rotary Privacy Notice

more Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (“we”) promise to respect the confidentiality of any personal data you share with us

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Safeguarding Policy - Children

more The Clubs believe that children have the right to be secure from abuse, and RIBI are committed to protecting all the children in their care from harm.


Safeguarding Policy - Vulnerable Adults

more The Club believes that vulnerable adults must be safeguarded from all forms of abuse. It recognises that it must at all times protect vulnerable adults from the risk of abuse and identify and deal with specific instances of abuse if they occur.

Image by Mary Pahlke from Pixabay

Dignity Policy

more This document has been produced to clarify those lines in some detail, in order that we may protect our Rotary values and our standing in the wider community.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Disability Guidance

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Rotary Insurance Guide

more 2019-2020

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