'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary in Keynsham is represented by Keynsham Rotary group. The work undertaken by Keynsham Rotary includes work in the community and fundraising for supporting International and local Charities. New members are welcome; we meet on Wednesday evenings.


Rotary is represented in Keynsham by the Keynsham Rotary Club. Rotary Members join together weekly to socialise, make friendships and to undertake work to support the community and local, national and international charity organisations.


Rotary Club of Keynsham undertakes charity work and community work within the local Keynsham community. This page outlines Keynsham Rotary club Keynsham Charity work and Keynsham Community work together with fundraising in the Keynsham area.


Rotary Club of Keynsham Charity work and fundraising includes the regionally based charities Send a Cow; WaterAid and Shelterbox. Keynsham Rotary Club also supports Rotary International Foundation causes including the eradication of polio.


Keynsham Rotary Club is part of Rotary International; but what exactly is Rotary? This page defines what Rotary is and what it does. Rotary Club of Keynsham raises funds for Charity. Rotary club of Keynsham supports the Keynsham community.

The founders of Rotary based in Chicago

The Rotary Club's founders were based in Chicago. It was a few year's before Rotary spread across the world to places cities such as Bristol (and of course the Rotary club of Keynsham). Keynsham Rotary club meets on Wednesday evenings.


Keynsham Rotary Club is a small friendly club meeting on Wednesday evenings 19:00 - 20:30hrs.


If you donate to Rotary club of Keynsham you can be assured that 100% of your donation will go to the cause you select. We do not have overheads and we pass on ALL donations. Rotary Club of Keynsham Registered Charity No. 1030596
