Bulletin for October 2023

The Club Bulletin for October 2023

                                                  Rotary Club of Cheltenham North

                                                                  October 2023 Bulletin

Blowing out someone else’s candle won’t make yours shine any brighter


Earthquake Street Collection

Cheltenham Clubs came together for a street collection in Cheltenham on 23rd September in aid of the devastating earthquake in Morocco. A total of £2,209 was collected and sent to Shelterbox in the name of Rotary Clubs of Cheltenham. This should fund 3 shelterboxes. Thank you to all who helped on the day.


After receiving the ShelterBox aid items, a family has clean water for cooking and drinking.

In times of disaster, communities need assistance. At the start of every response, ShelterBox carefully assesses the requirements of those who seek support – working with communities to find out what items are most essential. ShelterBox procures weather and culturally appropriate items locally and internationally, which are then distributed in communities with training on how to use them. After the distributions, ShelterBox follows up with community members, using surveys and focus group discussions to collect data and hear how they feel about what has been provided.

At ShelterBox, our approach to delivering emergency shelter and essential household items according to humanitarian best practices has been improved through decades

of experience, during which we have been and are privileged to work with the Rotary family. In addition, ShelterBox regularly reviews our aid items to ensure that high standards are met. Our procurement process is rigorous because providing the highest quality items is important to us. Competitive bidding processes are conducted, in which we invite proposals from prospective suppliers, and an internal committee then assesses those bids by reviewing technical specifications, usability, product supply and availability, and environmental sustainability credentials according to our requirements.

Our next project is already starting in Cameroon where we hope to support more than 50,000 newly displaced people with emergency shelter and essential household items, alongside our new partner Public Concern. Our ongoing strategy is to continue to work together with the Rotary family -- from local implementation and distributions to supplying high-quality items, like the Grifaid filters -- to ensure no one is without shelter after disaster.

To learn more about Rotary International project partner ShelterBox’s technical expertise, extended emergency response programs, or ways to collaborate with ShelterBox on serving people in need of emergency shelter and essential aid, email rotary.service@rotary.org.

Donations to The Rotary Foundation 2022/2023

District Foundation Chair Tony Hadfield

Last year was a very good one for District 1100, particularly with regard to our contributions to ‘End Polio Now’: our total contribution was 184% more than in 2021-2022, and our per capita contribution was 200% of the 2021-22 total – which placed D1100 in first place in the whole of GB&I. There were nine clubs which contributed over $1,500 to ‘End Polio Now’ in 2022-23, and these were:

Cheltenham Royal Wootton Basset Town Bristol Breakfast

Cheltenham North Bishops Cleeve Bristol

Gloucester Severn Worcester Royal Forest of Dean


We are not alone! The good news is that…

…More people are joining Rotary within District 1100 and many of them are joining via Direct Membershipnot by joining a club in their community.

More experienced and long serving Rotarians are transferring to Direct Membership for a myriad of reasons. Leaving their club but keeping their friendships, and their commitment to Rotary projects and activities.

Direct Membership is simply another route to Rotary Membership where

members from across the country are encouraged to get involved with activities

within their own districts.

Our District 1100, better known as West of England, has a meeting place on the

internet currently hosted by Microsoft Teams. We call it a HUB, and, in its forum,

local Rotarians can and do promote activities, discuss ideas and projects, and

arrange face to face meetings with others in our District.

Cluster Conference Anne Bartholomew

District 1100 DG, Anne Bartholomew invites you to a unique event.

The four districts in Southern Wales and the Southwest have come together to create one of the first Cluster Conferences that will be held in the conference facilities at Sandy Park, Exeter - the home of renowned rugby club Exeter Chiefs.

Friday Jun 28th 2024 at 12:00 pm- Sun, Jun 30th 2024 - 2:00 pm For further information and registration details www.strongertogether2024.com or refer to the District 1100 website.

Wine Festival

Helpers are required for the wine festival on Saturday 28 October at Pittville Pump Room. Please contact Peter Watson if you can help during the day.

Carol Concert – 19th December

Tickets are now available for the Carol Concert - £12 each (£10 for under16s and carers) Please let Gill Rouse know how many tickets you would like.

Nostalgia Rosanne Cole

Found amongst Ross’s things – memories of trips to Mons Rotary Club

The Shades of Night are falling fast


When through a Belgian village passed


A man who bore through snow and ice

A banner with this strange device …





Good Sir please tell what brings you here?


Both you and your companions dear


We all are on our way to Mons

Me and my companions





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