Club Bulletin for July 2023

The Club Bulletin for July 2023

                                              Rotary Club of Cheltenham North

                                                               July 2023 Bulletin

Tony Pawley spotted a Scarlet Tiger in his garden this week, but it's not a man-eater.

District Handover Anne Bartholomew DG District 1100

The District 1100 Handover Luncheon took place at the Marriott, Chase Hotel, Cheltenham on Sunday 25th June 2023.

District Governor Jim Currie handed over the chain of office to Anne Bartholomew, a member of Cheltenham North, who was supported on the day by eight members of the Club.

The International President, Gordon McInally’s theme for the year is ‘Create Hope in the World’. His message - ‘The world is a very troubled place now, but by Creating Hope in people’s lives, Rotary can make a genuine difference.’ His message is not about re-inventing the wheel, but developing and celebrating the good work that Rotarians undertake, both in their local communities and internationally.

Anne’s theme for the District for 2023-2024 is ‘Stronger Together’ with an emphasis on:

· Increasing new membership

· Focus on team working

· Promoting the 3 Cs – Communicate, Collaborate and Connect

· Valuing Members – skills, expertise and experience

· Encouraging Clubs to embrace change

· Bridging the gap between Clubs and District

· Focusing on the health and well-being of all members

· Ensuring our Rotary experience includes fun, fellowship and support for each other

Anne is looking forward to getting to know the different Clubs in the District, all of whom are unique, so she can learn more about their projects and activities.

My message to Cheltenham North is to thank you for your support so far and in particular, Club President Janet for her expertise, knowledge and guidance during 2022-2023. Good luck to Kevin as incoming President and I look forward to supporting you in your role

Club Handover

A huge thank you to Janet for a very successful year.

All good wishes to Kevin for his year.

In light of recent events we send our love and deepest sympathy to

Janet and her family.

Entertainment at the Handover Michael Rouse

Our Rotary Club is most grateful to Eric Labrum for arranging Maria Jagusz to perform at the Handover Ceremony held at Southam Village Hall. He has kindly promoted and sponsored this mezzo-soprano on many occasions.

Maria was born in Oldham with a Polish father and has been singing and dancing since childhood before attending the Royal Northern College of Music. Professionally she has performed many “trouser” roles for The Royal Opera House, English Opera, Longborough Festival Opera as well as many European Opera Houses and has been able to perform with many of the great names in Opera. She has coached emerging artists on the interpretation of operatic roles with stage

techniques. Maria now works at Longborough Festival Opera arranging operatic performances for the local schools together with her pianist Jessica May.

On this occasion she presented a young mezzo-soprano Eleanor O’Driscoll from Cheltenham who recently won the “Weston” Prize for the most promising classical singer at the “Chris Treglown” Awards in Cornwall. Later this year she is singing in the chorus of the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera performances at Buxton and Malvern.

She performed her “signature” operatic aria, the Habanera from Bizet’s Carmen to great applause. Together, they sang duets from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro and the Barcarolle from the Tales of Hoffman by Offenbach. Maria sang Sondheim’s “Send in the Clowns” and a Polish song before ending the concert with “There’s a place for us.”

Many of the members expressed a wish that perhaps Maria could be persuaded to perform at a concert of more light hearted repertoire sometime in the next year.

Kids Day Out Liz Jones

Community has good news that Kids Out have agreed to help again for funding of the Christmas Panto for Rowanfield and have increased the amount per head to £10, so we are helping 90 children to go to the Panto in December .

Gloucestershire Young Carers Vivien Barr

Recently Kevin suggested that I renew contact with the Gloucestershire Young Carers group to enquire if there was a project we might help with for the young people who care for parents and siblings with serious health issues. This group miss out on social activities due to their difficult home circumstances.

My request was welcomed by the staff and after some discussions I have now made arrangements for an Art Activity Day at Nature in Art, Twigworth, on August 3rd.

This will be for 16 Young Carers, up to age 14, 2 members of staff and I would also like to attend. The Education dept. run these Days and

there will be a choice of art projects in the morning, and in the afternoon they can explore the gardens and create their own adventures. They keep what they make, and will “Exit via the Gift Shop” to buy a souvenir if they wish!!

The Young Carers bring their own lunches and will be brought by taxis as their parents are not able to provide transport.

The cost of this Day will be in the region of £350 for 16 Young Carers.

I know of other groups who had had a great time there, and it will be a lovely holiday activity for a very deserving group of young people.

Thank you for your kind support.

Ride for Ryder Tony Pawley

Tony Pawley thanks everyone for sponsoring him for ‘Ride for Ryder’ on Sunday 9th July for the Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice. The nearer it gets, the more he wonders if he’s capable of still doing it – but he can’t give up now!

He says it can be a problem persuading generous Rotarians that they’ve already paid, but if you haven’t yet pledged or paid, further donations can be made until a few weeks after the event. Options are, in decreasing order of technological involvement: a. Through Anthony Pawley is fundraising for Sue Ryder ( JustGiving take a significant cut but Sue Ryder get the money instantly, it stops the fundraiser from pocketing the money, and it reduces admin in claiming Gift Aid. And it’s quite easy for donors to do.

b. Transferring the money to his personal bank account: Anthony Pawley, 16-28-20 (RBS), 11728648

c. Giving him a cheque made out to A J R Pawley.

d. Giving him cash.

Very grateful thanks to everyone.

20mph Speed Limits Michael Stevens

I have driven in a number of Economy Rallies, with great success. Driving the first VW Golf Diesel imported to the UK, I won outright against over 50 entries, recording 63.5 mpg over a varied route of 850 miles.

I have been Chairman of the Audi VW Service Dealers Technical Committee.

The case for introducing a 20 mph speed limit is purely political. Let us have a look at the reasons why this should not be introduced:

The most economical speed to drive a car is between 30 and 45 mph, depending on the specification of the vehicle, 4, 5 or 6 speed gearbox or automatic. At 20 mph the engine will create more pollution. Every stop produces four times the pollution. Keep the traffic moving smoothly.

The 20 mph will increase bus journey times, therefore all bus timetables will have to be altered.

People who require a van or truck for work such as electricians, plumbers etc. will take more time to travel between jobs. What about delivery drivers and postmen? Cost will have to increase. The reduction in speed will also reduce productivity and therefore the economy.

Drivers will be focusing on the speedometer rather than the road ahead.

Please let us keep the 30 mph speed limit and only introduce the 20mph limit where absolutely necessary.

Who is going to pay for all of this, which could run into millions of pounds.

Are Patients Safe? Eric Labrum

An insight into an experience of being hospitalised in GRH

The very thought of having to go into hospital ia every older persons worst dream. Having survived COVID and now to having to go into hospital for an operation was daunting. This was so much harder to take when on the surface one felt well and normal.

In my case i was undergoing a fitness regime of walking each day round a local park. I had been doing for four weeks before developing a very sore heel in my left leg, At night the pain was such that i could only spend a few minutes in bed before having to spend a great amount of time trying to reduce the pain. During the next few weeks i was at the our local surgery having my foot and ankle dressed for suspect ulcers. It was during my last session of having my dressings that the nurse said that she felt that I had a circulation problem. She personally arranged an appointment with Podiatry and then to see a Vascular Consultant. During all these weeks the doctors only solution was to give pain killers.

The visit to GRH to see the Vascular Consultant established that my main artery was blocked and that he wanted me in hospital that day! This was not possible but I was at A & E by 8am the next morning. After 15 hours I was given a bed and taken off to Ward 2A.

The next day a posse of surgeons did the morning round. I was not typical of most patients who were there with a complex range of health issues.. whilst the surgeons considered the best procedure for me it was finally agreed that a one stage by-pass operation would be caried out. Sometimes a first procedure is used to unblock the artery in question but this can be risky. Whilst the foot did get sufficient blood it was not enough to cure the ulcers which were developing.

After the operation of 5 hours and recovering I was transferred back to the Ward. i was hoping for a good night rest however the poor fellow in the next bay had had his leg removed, and was in agony all night and it was impossible to sleep. The beds provided in hospital by GRH are just magnificent. They are very flexible and allow the patient to choose their most comfortable position.

Being a patient it does require a certain amount of resolve and courage to get through each day. doctors constantly monitor every aspect of your profile every day so one is in good hands. Part of senior nurses work is to given student nurses exposure to nursing procedures. In my case the senior nurse had four students around me whilst changing my dressings on me from my groin to to ankle. Having given my permission there I was completely naked for all to see. She explained to the students the necessity of changing the dressings regularly and looking out for infection etc and the technique of applying dressings in the right area.

After only one week from the time of the operation the doctors said that clinically i was free to go home. In fact it was a further three days before being discharged.

As you will read going into hospital needs courage and faith in dealing with ones issue. Bearing in mind the complexity and nature of what medial staff have to deal with we can be reassured of being in safe hands and that they are there to do their best for you.

There are issues of staff shortage especially for senior nurses, and transport and after social care need to be addressed.

For my part i look forward to resuming my life and feel privileged that the unexpected problem encountered was dealt with by the skill of a highly competent Surgeon..

Future Programme

Thu, Jul 6th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guest Speaker Julie Kent who will give a talk on "Charity-Stay Local" Host Michael Jones

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Wed, Jul 19th 2023 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Council Meeting at the New Club

A Club Council meeting will be held at the New Club NOTE WEDNESDAY at 10am


Thu, Jul 20th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guest Speaker Alison Harris, ‘My late mother’s life and legacy from an Irish farm to being the first MacMillan nurse in Hereford and Worcester’. Host Kevin Gwilliam


Thu, Aug 3rd 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guest Speaker Kirstie Bingham The talk is "Tasting the Tudors ". Food in Tudor Times. Host Eric Labrum


Thu, Aug 17th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with a Guest Speaker at the New Club Details TBA Host Bill Macleod


Thu, Aug 31st 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

A Club Meeting with Speaker and Guests at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guests and Guest Speaker American Buffet/Barbecue Details of Speaker TBA Host Maureen Mcvitty


Thu, Sep 7th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guest Speaker Details TBA Host Clive O'Gorman


Club Officers 2023/2024

President Kevin Gwilliam

Secretary Michael Jones

Treasurer Linda Pawley

Immediate Past President Janet Keenan

President Elect. Nigel Gilhead

President Nominee David Hearle

Community/Youth Gwynne Tucker Brown

Foundation Richard Purdon

International Rosanne Cole

Membership Tony Pawley

Public Image Sue Jenkins

Attendance/Welfare Michael Bone

Auditor Stephen Wood

Bulletin Gill Rouse

Cheltenham Club Liaison Kevin Gwilliam

Club Service Nigel Gilhead

Club Trustee Michael Rouse

Compliance Officer John Phillip

Concerts Gill Rouse

District Council Rep. Kevin Gwilliam

Educational Visits Sally Whittal

Environment Sue Jenkins

Executive Secretary/Webmaster Clive O'Gorman

Ladies Who lunch Maureen Mcvitty

Meeting Notes Michael Jones

Photographer Michael Rouse Speaker Secretary David Hearle

Social Maureen Mcvitty

Sports Nigel Gilhead

Wine Festival Stephen Wood

Club Committees for 2023/2024

Club Council Kevin Gwilliam (Committee Chairman), Nigel Gilhead, David Hearle, Michael Jones, Janet Keenan, Clive O’Gorman, Linda Pawley,

Club Trustees Michael Rouse (Committee Chairman), Ann Carter, Peter Watson.

Attendance/Welfare Michael Bone (Committee Chairman), Clive O’Gorman.

Cheltenham Club Liaison. Kevin Gwilliam, Nigel Gilhead

Club Service Nigel Gilhead (Committee Chairman), Michael Bone, Sue Jenkins, Clive O’Gorman, John Phillip.

Community/Youth. Gwynne Tucker Brown (Committee Chairman), Elizabeth Jones (Vice Chairman), Vivien Barr, Ann Carter, Janet Keenan, Mary Ann Rust, Anne Wilson.

Concerts Gill Rouse (Chairman), Susan Barclay Edwards, Vivien Barr, Anne Bartholomew, Bernard Campbell, David Hearle, Linda Pawley, John Phillip, Beth Phillip, Michael Rouse, Heath Wilson.

District Council Rep. Kevin Gwilliam (Committee Chairman), Michael Jones,

Educational Visits Sally Whittal, Anne Wilson.

Foundation Richard Purdon, David Rees.

International Rosanne Cole (Committee Chairman), Ross Cole, Geoffrey Fox, Roger Grimshaw, Janet Keenan, Mike Stevens, Gwynne Tucker Brown.

Membership Tony Pawley, (Committee Chairman), John Phillip, Mary Ann Rust.

Public Image/Environment Sue Jenkins (Committee Chairman) Ann Carter

Social Maureen Mcvitty (Committee Chairman), Nigel Gilhead, Eric Labrum.

Speaker David Hearle (Committee Chairman), Geoffrey Fox, Eric labrum.

Sports Nigel Gilhead (Committee Chairman, David Hearle

Website Clive O'Gorman (Committee Chairman), Michael Bone.

Wine Festival Stephen Wood (Committee Chairman), Geoffrey Fox, David Hearle, Michael Jones, William Macleod, Maureen Mcvitty, Gill Rouse, Michael Rouse, Peter Watson. _____________________________________________________________________________________Honorary Members Alex Chalk, Nick Chivers, Sir Henry Elwes.

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Club Bulletin

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