Bulletin for November 2022

The Club Bulletin for November 2022

                                   Rotary Club of Cheltenham November 2022 Bulletin

Rotary District 1100 Conference John Phillip Bristol 15th October 2022

Fourteen of us represented Cheltenham North at the conference, a number only surpassed by local clubs. It was very well organised by Richard Purdon and his committee. The Bristol Club provided a large number of guides and marshals.

It was a major departure from previous events in that it lasted a single day and was located within the district. Some of us felt that it benefitted as a result while others felt the loss of a pleasant weekend at the seaside. Future conferences will be an even greater departure from the norm in that they will embrace several districts from the Southwest and South Wales.

The speakers were uniformly excellent. Jim Currie, the District Governor, was clearly well used to public speaking and introduced the guest speakers with warmth and good humour.

Two early contributors by video were Jennifer Jones, RI President, and Nicki Scott, RGB&I International Director. A third eminent lady, Peaches Golding, Lord Lieutenant of Bristol, cried off at the last minute because her daughter had been rushed to hospital that morning.

John Kay, familiar to us since July as a host of the BBC Breakfast show, gave us amusing and interesting insights into the evolving role of a news reporter. Communications equipment, which once was heavy and of limited capability, has become an incredibly powerful mobile phone equipped with a high-resolution camera. The downside is that everything suddenly becomes instantaneous and rushed. John was delightfully self-deprecating showing us clips of events that were unplanned such as his interview with Brenda whose response to a question about an upcoming general election was “Not another one!!”

Nick Hounsfield was a “surfing fanatic” who decided, with £500 to his name, to create a surfing facility in the countryside outside Bristol. His plan was to have it up and running in 18 months at a total cost of £2.5 million. Ultimately, it took 10 years and cost £30 million. Along the way he suffered a major stroke followed by 7 minor strokes which took away his mobility and power of speech for 6 months. Despite all this his creation, The Wave, is a huge success and his company is now in the process of creating 5 more Waves in Britain, Dublin and Paris.

Chris Firth is a well-known Past DG. On this occasion he described his challenge, as District International Lead, in assembling financial and material resources for Ukraine. District 1100 members have raised more than £125,000 in cash, obtained Disaster Recovery Grants and shipped hundreds of truckloads of goods to those brave Ukrainians. As we know several of our colleagues have welcomed Ukrainian families into their homes.

Jason Todd spoke on “Effecting Change” from a rather unusual perspective. With no academic qualifications to his name he morphed into a serial entrepreneur, creating, floating and selling companies before throwing it all up and retiring to The Peak District from whence he ventures forth to share his insights into personal development with wit and a wealth of anecdotes.

Dr Keith Scholey, currently Director of Silverback Films, has enjoyed a charmed career after qualifying as a zoologist at Bristol University. He has been involved in the production of many of the astounding wildlife series emanating from the BBC including A Perfect Planet, David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet, Life of Birds and Blue Planet. His awards are numerous including several Emmies and Baftas.

Lorna Carter rowed across the Atlantic with three female colleagues in 2021. The ultimate claim to fame of The Bristol Gulls was to use an Eco boat built from sustainable materials. For example, the foam core contained around 10,000 recycled bottles. Having been spared to tell the tale Lorna was anxious to share her thoughts on team building and its huge contribution to the success of the adventure.

Our fellow member of Cheltenham North and District Governor Elect, Anne Bartholomew, outlined her career in education and her ascent through the ranks of Rotary. Anne introduced us to the concept of a Cluster Group of fellow DGEs which is planning a Multi-District Conference for the end of June, 2024 to be held at Sandy Park, Exeter. An exhibition game by Exeter Chiefs would be wonderful entertainment. Just dreaming!!

Cheltenham Future Rotary Club Kevin Gwilliam

Cheltenham Future is a project driven group of people serving the community and having fun in the process. One of their projects is to raise £14,000 to create the Cornerstone Community Jubilee Garden in Whaddon. This will convert two grass areas into a garden and include raised beds for the growth of produce, trees and plants providing an environmentally friendly, safe and quiet green space to improve mental health. Produce grown in the garden will be supplied to the food pantry at the Cornerstone Centre. If you would like to donate please contact Kevin or nigel.knowlman@gmail.com.

Carol Concert Gill Rouse

I now have the fliers and the tickets for the Carol Concert on Tuesday 13 December. Can you please let me know how many tickets you would like at £12 each and I will

have them ready for you this Thursday. I would be grateful if you could all take some fliers and distribute these wherever you can. Thank you Steve Wood for setting up ticket tailor so that tickets can also be purchased on line.at https://buytickets.at/rccn/780605

Wine Festival – Saturday 29 October Steve Wood

Many thanks to all the members who helped in any way at the Wine Festival on Saturday 29 October. Would those members whose spouses/partners assisted please pass on my thanks. I felt that the day went very well and I hope that the financial results will be pleasing when all the sums are done. We sold all available tickets and the customers and exhibitors seemed very happy. One first-time exhibitor has already emailed saying, “your overall organisation was excellent, with most supportive and helpful people looking after us splendidly as stall-holders.” Don’t forget to save the date for next year - Saturday 28 October 2023!

Visit to the Everyman Theatre Eric Labrum.

The evening of Tuesday 18th October started by all members of the group dining at the Theatre Restaurant. The menu enjoyed by all was varied with four possibilities offered for mains and puds plus a starter were both excellent and well presented. The cost was £17.95 per person. Twenty two people attended. We were sorry that Michael and Gill Rouse were unable to attend.

Regarding the play itself. this was a re run of the post War II production originally given by Alec Guinness. In this current play the lead was played by Miles Gupp. The older members of the group would recognise the era portrayed where the dialogue and narrative was very much dated. The story is about a mild mannered civil servant, Henry Holland, who reaches Rio De Janeiro with his gold bullion, transported in the form of gold Eiffel towers. Much of the story is acted with a play within a play going back to the events in London leading up to the crime itself. The inevitable happens when the police get their man.

It was felt by some members that the play got off to a slow start, this managed to get going in the second half of the play. Much of the original quick whit by Alec Guinness was missing and suffered with dialogue which was verbose.

The census of opinion by some individuals was somewhat mixed, but generally said that they enjoyed the evening of being together as a group.

Join the Club! Henry Chinaski

Thank you Rosanne for sending this.

Just a line to say I’m living,

That I’m not amongst the dead,

Though I’m getting more forgetful

And mixed up in the head.

I’ve got used to my arthritis,

To my dentures I’m resigned.

I can cope with my bi-focals,

But – ye gods – I miss my mind.

Sometimes I can’t remember

When I’m standing by the stairs,

If I’m going up for something,

Or have just come down from there.

And before the fridge so often

My mind is full of doubt;

Now did I put some food away,

Or come to take it out?

If it’s not my turn to write dear

I hope you won’t get sore.

I think I might have written

And don’t want to be a bore,

But remember I do love you,

And wish that you lived near,

But now it’s time to mail this

And say “goodbye my dear’.

I’m standing beside the mail box

And my face – it sure is red.

Instead of posting this to you

I’ve opened it instead!

Longborough Opera 2023 Eric Labrum

The programme for the coming year does appear to be more appealing than 2022.

There is a choice of two operas plus performances of the Fairy Queen including emerging young artists.

1) L'Orfeo by Monteverdi This opera is being performed on various dates in July. It is relatively short in length and uses early period baroque musical instruments. It will be sung in Italian./English sur titles

2) L'Elisir d'amore (the Elixir of Love) This opera is being performed throughout June. This is a popular opera and will be heavily booked. It will be sung in Italian/English sur titles.

3) Fairy Queen this is being performed by emerging young artists, plus a Youth Chorus. This uses Pursell's musical score,

I have ignored the Wagner Opera which opens the Operatic season at Longborough as there appears little demand from Rotary members and where the starting price is £150.00 PP

My preference this coming season is for L'ELisir. This is a popular opera which will appeal to most members. I would also recommend the 'Fairy Queen' which is said to be a particularly good production. The young artists will give a good account of themselves. The starting prices for the two Operas are £75.00 and £90.00 pp

Price depends upon whether one sits in the raised alternative rows. This is particularly pertinent to shorter people. The prices for 'Fairy Queen' starts at £45.00/£60.00

Would members please advise me of their interest so that we may know if we need to organise a group for any of these productions. In order to book the cheaper seats and take advantage of priority booking it is necessary to add £5.00 per ticket. This information is required by the end of November.

Future Programme Clive O’Gorman

Thu, Nov 3rd 2022 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club. Guest Speaker Andrew Worthington who will speak on the "Nine Stations of Cheltenham" Host Steve Wood.

___________________________________________________________________Sat, Nov 5th 2022 at 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Cheltenham Fireworks

Cheltenham North Rotary Club are supporting Cheltenham Round Table at the Cheltenham Fireworks Display See "Details" for more information

___________________________________________________________________Wed, Nov 9th 2022 at 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Visit to Aerospace Bristol

A visit to Aerospace Bristol is planned. See "Details" for more information

___________________________________________________________________Fri, Nov 11th 2022 at 11:00 am - 5:30 pm

Collection at Cheltenham Racecourse for Ukraine

A request for volunteers had been received from the Cheltenham Rotary Club who are planning to collect for Ukraine on the 11th November at the Race Course 11.00am to 1.30pm then 3.30pm until 5.30pm. Contact Janet Keenan

___________________________________________________________________ Thu, Nov 17th 2022 at 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm

Club Council Meeting at the New Club

A Club Council Meeting to be held at the New Club Update

___________________________________________________________________Thu, Nov 17th 2022 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

A Club Meeting with Guest Speaker Holley Martlew who will talk on "A Minoan Perfumery (2160-2000 BC)" Host Michael Jones

___________________________________________________________________ Tue, Nov 22nd 2022 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

District Council Meeting

A District 1100 Council Meeting to be held via Zoom Details to follow

___________________________________________________________________ Thu, Dec 1st 2022 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting/SGM at the New Club

A Club Meeting with SGM The SGM covers Election of Officers for 2023/24 and, and Voting Delegates, Review of Audited Accounts for 2021/22 and Report from Club Trustees. Host Janet Keenan

___________________________________________________________________Fri, Dec 9th 2022 at 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Charity Event at Cheltenham Races

Club Members are invited by the Town Mayor to a Charity Race Meeting at the Cheltenham Racecourse on the 9th December. Tickets cost £80 and include Free car parking, a Race Card, Hot lunch and Afternoon Tea Contact Richard Purdon for more information

Tue, Dec 13th 2022 at 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Carol Concert 2022

The Annual Carol Concert organised by Cheltenham North will take place in the Princess Elizabeth Hall of the Ladies College on 13th December 2022 Tickets now available on line at https://buytickets.at/rccn/780605

Thu, Dec 15th 2022 at 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Club Christmas Luncheon

A Christmas Luncheon, to be held at the Cotswold Hills Golf Club Details of Time, etc. TBA Host Janet Keenan


Thu, Dec 29th 2022 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting at the New Club Cancelled

This Club Meeting is cancelled as Christmas/New Year period.


Thu, Jan 5th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker at the New Club

Club Meeting with Guest Speaker. The Guest Speaker Baiju McCubbins will talk on "Medical Detection Dogs" Host Tim Badham


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