District Handover Meeting

Sun, Jun 25th 2023 at 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

The District 1100 Handover Meeting will be held at the Marriott Chase Hotel 12:30 for a 1 pm luncheon.
See "Details" for more information

From Rotarian Oliver Lister

15 Abbey Gate, Evesham, WR11 4BQ ojul25@gmail.com 07930 265217

                                                      The District 1100 Handover Luncheon

                                   Sunday 25th June 12.30pm for 1.00pm at The Marriott Hotel,

                                            Cheltenham Chase, Shurdington, Glos, GL3 4PB

Dear Rotarian

This year’s District 1100 Handover Lunch will be held at the Marriott Hotel, Shurdington, on Sunday 25th June. Partners are most warmly welcome to join us for this enjoyable occasion and we will be sitting down for lunch at approximately 1.00pm. Dress is smart casual.

The cost of the lunch is £40 and this includes a delicious three course meal with teas and coffees to follow. Payment can be made either by cheque or online to the following account:

Name: Rotary D1100 Account number: 00412945 Sort code: 20-20-15

Please choose from the menu below and let me have your menu choices by Wednesday, June 8th. Please let me know any dietary issues as well.

As the Rotary year comes to an end, it would be lovely to have a good crowd to congratulate DG Jim Currie as he finishes his year in office and welcome in the DGE Anne Bartholomew and her team.

Yours in Rotary

Rtn. Oliver Lister

Starters Plum Tomato and Basil Soup, Pesto oil and Crème Fraiche


Sliced Melon

Mains Breast of Chicken wrapped in smoked streaky bacon, spring onion mash, butter fried leek and curly kale, tarragon and caraway seed sauce


Leek and Wild Mushroom Risotto, dressed rocket and pea shoots, crispy fried leeks and onions

Desserts Red Berry Eton Mess, whipped vanilla cream


Tropical Fruit Salad, Passion fruit and Coconut syrup


NAME OF CLUB: …………………………………….

Name…………………….................... Starter……………………………



Name…………………….................... Starter……………………………



Dietary Requirements:_____________________________________________________________

Michael JonesContact Michael Jones about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary District 1100 June 2024 Newsletter A complete version with Pictures is available from the Club Secretary. See Contact Section on this website Home page.


Tht Cheltenham Rotary Clubs are providing Community Grants to Local Organisations. See "Details for more information.


The slides from the presentation given by the President for 2024/25 at the Club Assembly 17th June 2024


An overview of Rotary and the activities of the Rotary Club of Cheltenham North


A Review of the Rotary Year with copies of the AGM Reports


The Club Officers 2024/2025 See "Details" for information.


The Club Committees for 2024/2025


The Carol Concert is held Annually in Cheltenham For more about this event please see "Details" below


Details of the Charitable Donations made by the Cheltenham North Rotary Club


This is a summary of our activities over the past twelve months. You can also view our Club Bulletin in the "What we Do" area of the Home Page of this website.


The Cheltenham Wine Festival will take place on 13th April 2024 in the Function Room of the Cheltenham Ladies' College, Health and Fitness Centre, Malvern Road, GL50 2NX. Tickets now available See "Details" (An ideal Present)


The Club Bulletin is Issued on a regular basis usually every Month


Please Note the the Meeting Notes for Club Meetings are only available in the Member's only area. Details of Club Meetings are available using either the Contact form for the Secretary or the Future Events Area on the Home Page.


Selection of Photos from Various Events


An overview of the Objects and Mission of the Rotary Foundation.
