Cash in the Attic

Tue, Aug 11th 2020 at 10:00 am- Wed, Aug 12th 2020 - 5:00 pm

The Cash in the Attic event continues in support of International Charities.

See "Details" for more information.

                              CASH IN THE ATTIC’ Rosanne Cole

The Story so far .. .. ..

Five Lots have gone under the hammer at Stroud Auctions and a further two Lots at Moore Allen and Innocent. These auctions together with donations and other sales have to date raised £647.00. Our thanks go to Nick Bowkett from Stroud Auctions and Philip Allwood from Moore Allen and Innocent for waiving their Vendors Commission and to all our Benefactors.

We are making good progress, albeit it slowly, but we are a long way off reaching our target. We still have however a further sixteen Lots awaiting the appropriate auctions. Four engravings have been sent to Thomson Roddick Auctioneers in Edinburgh for their consideration. I am holding my breath!

Donations of items in the main have been given by Rotarians with friends also donating to

the cause. Please approach your friends – they too may be willing to part with items

their children do not wish to inherit.

As you know any item deemed unsuitable for auction will be given to charity. We have already donated items to Break, the charity for young carers. We have now included The Pied Piper Appeal as Break are not ‘taking in’ at the present time. (Items totally unsuitable will be donated to the Civic Amenity Tip!) Lots are made up at Nick’s discretion. This means that one silver teaspoon can join other suitable items - no donation is too small.

Items that are of particular interest are stamps, coins, medals, pens, watches, jewellery, silver, toys and Aunt Aggie’s costume jewellery (oh yes!). The old miner’s lamp lurking in the

garage could provide several School Bags. There is also a market for vintage oil cans. I am holding a small stamp collection which is awaiting further stamp donations to make up a Lot. Do please see if you can spare your childhood collection.

We are holding Drive Up and Drop off collection days at 4 Thorncliffe Drive. Coffee, tea and cake will be available on Drop Off days. All under strict social distancing of course – sadly there is no admittance to our house as Ross has been advised by his Consultant that he must continue Shielding.

Drop Off Days: Tuesday 11th August, 2020

Wednesday 12th August, 2020

Time: 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Ross and I are looking forward to seeing you.

Rosanne ColeContact Rosanne Cole about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Tht Cheltenham Rotary Clubs are providing Community Grants to Local Organisations. See "Details for more information.


The slides from the presentation given by the President for 2024/25 at the Club Assembly 17th June 2024


An overview of Rotary and the activities of the Rotary Club of Cheltenham North


A Review of the Rotary Year with copies of the AGM Reports


The District 1100 June 2024 Newsletter A complete version with Pictures is available from the Club Secretary. See Contact Section on this website Home page.


The Club Officers 2024/2025 See "Details" for information.


The Club Committees for 2024/2025


The Carol Concert is held Annually in Cheltenham For more about this event please see "Details" below


Details of the Charitable Donations made by the Cheltenham North Rotary Club


This is a summary of our activities over the past twelve months. You can also view our Club Bulletin in the "What we Do" area of the Home Page of this website.


The Cheltenham Wine Festival will take place on 13th April 2024 in the Function Room of the Cheltenham Ladies' College, Health and Fitness Centre, Malvern Road, GL50 2NX. Tickets now available See "Details" (An ideal Present)


The Club Bulletin is Issued on a regular basis usually every Month


Please Note the the Meeting Notes for Club Meetings are only available in the Member's only area. Details of Club Meetings are available using either the Contact form for the Secretary or the Future Events Area on the Home Page.


Selection of Photos from Various Events


An overview of the Objects and Mission of the Rotary Foundation.
