District Induction Dinner at Tewin Bury Farm Hotel

Tue, Jun 28th 2016 at 7:20 pm - 9:20 pm

District 1260 Handover Ceremony

Suitably Suited and Booted our President Rabi, President elect Hitesh, Secretary Dianne and our fellow Photographer enjoyed the company on our table of some Hitchin Rotarians for this Annual Event.

There were the usual sad "Goodbyes and Hallos" and Presentations for those many hard working and dedicated Rotarians supporting our District 1260 efforts, all of which were conducted with precision and care. This year’s 2016/7 District Governor Chalmers Cursley was his normal well humoured self, and urged us all to communicate better and let the world know who and what we were.

A good evening all round.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Team Watford Rotary is a program that invites individuals to team up with Rotary without being a member.


Watford and St Alban’s Rotary Clubs combine to help the Peace Hospice buy much needed medical equipment due to the corona virus.


What does a Rotary Club actually do?


To donate to Watford Rotary Trust Fund

A typical sand dam in Africa

A typical sand dam in Africa


David Silverston is the Foundation Chair for the Watford Club


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The Charter Document
