30 Oct - Guest Evening - Talk on the Mary Rose

Wed, Oct 30th 2013 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Meeting held at the West Herts Golf Club featuring a talk by Dawn Perrier Sea Diver from the Mary Rose Trust.

There was a good crowd for our Guest Evening at the West Herts Golf Club. We had an excellent talk by Dawn Perrier, a sea diver from the Mary Rose Trust. Dawn was involved from the earliest days of the work on recovering the Mary Rose and gave a fascinating picture of the work involved and the steps they went through to make the ship ready for viewing. An enormous number of artifacts were recovered from the ship. which keep historians busy studying them for years. Dawn brought along replicas of some of them.

The raffle made £300 which will be donated to local hospices.

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Team Watford Rotary is a program that invites individuals to team up with Rotary without being a member.


What does a Rotary Club actually do?


Watford and St Alban’s Rotary Clubs combine to help the Peace Hospice buy much needed medical equipment due to the corona virus.

A typical sand dam in Africa

A typical sand dam in Africa


David Silverston is the Foundation Chair for the Watford Club


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Watford Rotary holds several fund raising events during the year.


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