Speaker - Robert Raylman on Gift of Life

Wed, Nov 7th 2012 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Rob Raylman of Gift Of Life spoke at the meeting.

Rob Raylman of the New York Manhasset Rotary Club is Executive Director of the Gift Of Life charity. This is a major Rotary project founded by District 7250. It runs programmes all over the world to provide heart surgery for children. Gift Of Life has so far not received much exposure in UK but they have one UK partner, Chain Of Hope, which is based at Harefield Hospital. Emma Scanlon of Chain of Hope spoke about their work and showed a video aboout their project in Jamaica.

Rob and Emma are working together to gain more support for their work in UK. It was suggested at the meeting that they look for involvement in District or Rotary GB&I Conferences.

For more on both charities -



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