Posthumous Paul Harris Fellowship

After the sad and untimely passing of Club Treasurer Paul Bowers, Newbury Rotary President Janet Lister had the privilege of presenting a posthumous Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) to Paul’s sister Mary.

Posthumous Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) awarded to Paul Bower’s sister Mary

After the sad and untimely passing of Club Treasurer Paul Bowers, Newbury Rotary President Janet Lister had the privilege of presenting a posthumous Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) to Paul’s sister Mary.

The PHF is named after one of the four Founding Fathers of Rotary, and recognised Paul’s extended effort and commitment to supporting the service and community ethos of Rotary.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Service defines Rotary's character

Newbury Rotary Club supports and organises a variety of community activities for all ages.

Posthumous Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) awarded to Paul Bower’s sister Mary

After the sad and untimely passing of Club Treasurer Paul Bowers, Newbury Rotary President Janet Lister had the privilege of presenting a posthumous Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) to Paul’s sister Mary.

Newbury Rotary in the news

Newbury Rotary press releases and news

We are THIS close

We are THIS CLOSE to eradicating Polio globally. But we need your help.

Rotary Youth Competitions

Newbury Rotary Club organises competitions and events to engage with the youth in our community and to encourage and promote their skills outside the classroom.


Newbury Rotary Club organises fun events to raise funds for local community and international charities and worthy causes. We have donated over £85,000 to charities since 2011.

Purple pinky for Polio Plus

Newbury Rotary sponsors and supports a variety of international and global Rotary initiatives and charities.

Image courtesy of Ambro at

Getting involved with Rotary could be one of the most important things you ever do.
