Meeting - Donnington Valley Hotel

Mon, Sep 25th 2023 at 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm

Weekly Meeting and Rotarian Induction

Welcome John  Panczak


We enjoyed a special evening at our club on Monday 25th September:

We inducted new member John Panczak. I am sure that John will enjoy being a member and will also be a great addition to our club and the work that we do in the community. Welcome John!

Following an enjoyable meal Colin Barker and Alexis Sugden from Newbury Speakers spoke to us. Newbury Speakers are an official Toastmasters Club and celebrate their 40th Anniversary next year:

Colin gave an interesting introduction describing what they do and how they improve someone’s public speaking skills. 55% of what we say is visual, 38% is what we say and how we say it and just 7% is what the speech is about.

Lots of helpful tips were provided.

Alexis then gave a speech which Colin evaluated. Evaluations are given in a kind way which helps the speaker to improve their delivery going forward.

John Phillip and Janet were both then brave enough to stand in front of ‘the class’ and talk about a subject given to them ‘blind’ for 1-2 mins. John’s subject was, why he likes coffee? And Janet’s, Where does her favourite food come from?....if you were not present, I will let you guess…clue: they comprehensively beat Australia the other day (Wales)!

The final section was Colin telling a story about something that happened when he was 16….he is lucky to be alive! It demonstrated why telling a story to get your point across is more powerful than stating lots of %figures which people tend not to remember. Those who heard his story, which involved a voice telling him not to leave his house thereby avoiding an accident, probably still remember his story and even some of the detail?

I then gave a vote of thanks and it is probably for the best that I was not evaluated?!

Gill and I have been to Newbury Speakers and would recommend that others should try it particularly if you are looking to improve your presentation skills….lots of quick wins to learn.

Newbury Speakers meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Nuffield Health, Racecourse Road, Newbury, RG14 7PN

You can visit Newbury Speakers website here or via the link above. 



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