Zoom - Kurien Philip - By Bike from Newbury to New Delhi

Mon, Nov 30th 2020 at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

This is a 5th Monday meeting. All Rotarians and guests are encouraged to attend.

Non Rotary members should contact Eddie Webb at edward.webb@newburyrotary.org to receive the details of the Zoom meeting when they are available.

If you wish to make a donation to the Samaritans please click here.

Kurien will give us a very interesting talk which will be in aid of "The Samaritans". Kurien made the trip in support of this charity. 

 Right from the word go, it has been an adventure in every sense of the word. 20 countries, 22000 kms in 2 months. From 80 kms a day to 800 kms a day, from -5 Deg C in the higher reaches of the mountain passes in the Himalayas to +49 Deg C in the deserts of Kazakhstan, from the peaceful and well-paved roads to “roads?” – loose gravel strewn across the side of a mountain. Tajikistan to your left. Throw a stone across the river on the right and it will land in Afghanistan.
 But in everything – the people – all over the world, amazing! They themselves may not have fuel or food,  but always ready to share with you. Mothers bringing small children to sit on and experience the motorcycle. People spontaneously coming and starting a conversation with you. Different languages, but you still communicate and understand. 
 Every step, gets you to believe in yourself and believe in the people around you.  A journey always changes you inside out. An adventure ... more so.


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