The Presidents Virtual Rotary Tea Time

Mon, Jun 29th 2020 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

This event is to celebrate Nick Burrastons’ time as Newbury Rotary Club President, encourage fellowship and promote the Julies Garden project for West Berkshire Mencap.

Garden Tea-Time events are often held on blissfully warm sunny evenings, in beauttiful gardens, where family and friends get together to share a drink (e.g. tea, champagne or a glass of wine), a favourite cake or snack, their experiences and treasured memories. This Virtual Rotary Tea-Time event will conjour-up the atmosphere of a garden party, where we can all safely get together (virtually, via the “GotoMeeting” application), with our drinks, cakes or snacks and share with each other. 

Things that you might like to share at the Virtual Rotary Tea-Time might be:

  • A favourite or unusual cake or summer snack recipe;
  • A treasured memory of friends, fellowship and fun;
  • An idea, poem, piece of literature or song that has inspired or moved you;
  • A humorous story that you have enjoyed;
  • A magic trick

Really, anything that you have found interesting, uplifting and/or inspiring that you feel comfortable sharing.

Contributions don’t need to be long or polished either. Anyting from a minuite to five minutes is brilliant. The idea is just to have fun sharing together, as you would  at a garden party.

We will also invite our friends from West Berkshire Mencap to share with us details of the “Julies Garden” project, what it has been like for them in recent weeks, and what they are hoping for in the future. For those who wish to, there will also be an opportunity to donate to the Julie’s Garden Project.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Newbury Rotary Club organises fun events to raise funds for local community and international charities and worthy causes. We have donated over £85,000 to charities since 2011.

Purple pinky for Polio Plus

Newbury Rotary sponsors and supports a variety of international and global Rotary initiatives and charities.

Service defines Rotary's character

Newbury Rotary Club supports and organises a variety of community activities for all ages.

Newbury Rotary in the news

Newbury Rotary press releases and news

We are THIS close

We are THIS CLOSE to eradicating Polio globally. But we need your help.

Rotary Youth Competitions

Newbury Rotary Club organises competitions and events to engage with the youth in our community and to encourage and promote their skills outside the classroom.

Image courtesy of Ambro at

Getting involved with Rotary could be one of the most important things you ever do.
