The Rotary Satellite Group (RSG) has been able to make a series of donations to Star Throwers over recent years as a result of our fund-raising activities. In 2017, a donation paid for a conservatory extension to the Star Throwers building thus enabling another room to be freed up for consulting and better use of their facilities. Other donations from RSG in 2018 have enabled Star Throwers to refurbish one of their consulting rooms and to support the training and qualification of 8 massage therapists. In 2019 money has been provided to enable the purchase of new sofas for the Star Throwers reception area. In 2020, we agreed to cover the cost of first-aid training for the staff and volunteers working at the centre and we have also provided funds to enable the charity to purchase 5 new laptop computers. We continue to support Star Throwers with various donations each year. Star Throwers recognises our on-going support by very kindly allowing us to use their facilities for RSG meetings.
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more Thanks to the generosity of individuals and companies who have attended and sponsored our fund-raising events we have been able to provide funding for additional projects at Star Throwers.
more Wymondham Rotary and its Satellite Group have provided practical support to the Star Throwers Charity by helping with a bit of gardening.
more Rotary Satellite Group (RSG) has provided financial assistance in the recent past.