
A report on our day at the Sandringham Flower Show distributing crocus corms in aid of Purple for Polio

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In support of RGBI initiative Purple4Polio Kings Lynn Priory Rotarians manned a stand at the 2016 Royal Sandringham Flower Show. The show is the largest single day event in East Anglia and last year had over 22,000 visitors.

It was the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of the fight to eradicate polio from the world whilst also showcasing the roll of Rotary both within our local community and internationally.

The day started on a damp note with rain falling so we were very glad to have erected the gazebo and laid out the stalls the previous day. However by late morning the sun came out and so did the crowds. We were kept very busy giving away bags of crocus corms for a donation to ‘End Polio Now’. We also made good use of the excellent mounted information board and photographs that we had printed from the Purple4Polio Resources page to inform and demonstrate how the immunization process works.

By late afternoon the crowds had started to dissipate and we were left to reflect on whether the day had been a success. Although we had not ‘moved’ all the crocus corms we had sent out a priceless message of how important it is to keep up the fight to ‘End Polio Now’ whilst also enjoying the opportunity to exchange much banter with the visitors and raise money to supportPurple4Polio.

Our thanks go to all those who supported us and in particular to Lesley Harrison (Sandringham Stand Co-ordinator), Keith Boyce of Minuteman Press and Green Garden of Hillegam Netherlands for the corms.

Down the Garden Path Quiz

As part of this initiative a garden quiz was distributed to raise money for Purple 4 Polio

The questions and answers follow

1. Implement of the 'Grim Reaper'                                        Scythe

2. Dewelling Place of Peter Pan's friend                               Wendy House

3. Chilly border                                                                      Cold Frame

4. Resting place on a boat perhaps!                                      Deck chair

5. Not the meaty variety                                                         Stake

6.Originates from vessel on the water                                    Decking

7. What type of men are Bill and Ben                                     Flowerpot

8. Worse than its bite                                                              Bark 

9. Dangling wickerwork                                                           Hanging Basket

10 A bit more than a towel                                                      Trowel

11 Amefican alcohol measure                                                 Slug

12 Slip                                                                                      Slide

13 Keeping up appearances with Hyacinth                              Bucket

14 Extra insurance for your wager                                            Hedge

15 Part of a horse's foot                                                            Frog

16 Seasonal dwelling                                                                Summer House

17 Summer umbrella                                                                 Parasol

18 Incy Wincy                                                                            Spider

19 Sounds like you almost look down                                        Gazebo or boughs

20 Noise of clock blown by wather                                             Wind Chime

21 Germans claim these first                                                      sunbeds

22 They ccame from Liverpool                                                   Beetles

 23 Elevated 4 poster                                                                  Raised bed

24 Chinese and storm                                                                 Lantern

25 The H20 doesn't stop here                                                     Water butt

26 A French bell                                                                          Cloche

 27 Loved by pandas                                                                   Bamboo cane

28 A bit more than an auctioneer's hammer                               Gravel

29 Scheming carrots                                                                   Vegetable plot

30 Not the typoe used on sheep                                                 Shears

31 You do this with tears                                                            Shed

32 Gardener's cutlery                                                                  Fork and spade

33 Northern river on the rake                                                      Tynes 

34 See column rise when heat is on                                           thermometer

35 Caused by fungi not Tinkerbell                                              Fairy ring

36 Not a blue bungalow                                                              Greenhouse

37 Pile up old veg                                                                       Compost hEAP

38 dishes for a chinese army                                                     Teracotta pots

39 Assasin to the scrawny                                                          Weedkiller

40 A garden fireplace                                                                  Chimenea 

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OUr stand and some of our helpers

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