We are based in Northampton, county town of Northamptonshire in the English East Midlands. Unlike the 3 other clubs in these parts we don't include 'Northampton' in our club name - we like to be different.
Feel free to have a poke around and get a feel for what we do and what we are about. If it sounds like the sort of club you might like to be involved with, please get in touch by first clicking on the Rotary Nene Valley logo at top left to take you back to the homepage; scroll down right to the bottom; click on the red Membership Enquiry button; fill in the brief form which then pops up, and we'll be in touch.
If you're already in Rotary and want to visit, get in touch by using the Contact button above and choosing 'A Visiting Rotarian' on the Subject drop-down.
Our name: In case you are wondering, Nene is pronounced to rhyme with men and not with mean. The latter is how misguided folk nearer the sea pronounce the name of OUR river. It doesn't sound like NayNay either. A NeNe is a Hawaiian goose related to Canadas but much rarer.
So don't be surprised if you're shouted down when mispronouncing our name - we are kinda proud of it.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
This page, which is available to anyone who browses the site, gives access to handy information in the public domain
moreThis is where, if you're not already in Rotary, you can learn more about us and can also download a Rotary membership brochure
moreTo quickly see What's On in the next few weeks see the homepage. For a printable list for this year, in PDF format, see below.
moreThis country, formerly known as Swaziland, is one of the principal focusses of our work overseas.
moreThe Rotary Foundation (TRF) is Rotary's own charity and, amongst other things, campaigns and raises funds for the eradication of polio from the world.
moreFriends of Rotary (or specifically of Nene Valley) are people who want to associate themselves with our aims and objectives but are not full members themselves. They support us by assisting with our charitable work or with fund-raising activities.
moreThis is the committee that addresses the 'wants' (and 'needs') of young people. As well as identifying and supporting candidates at RYLA and Calvert Trust we also lead the club's flagship project, the annual Technology Tournament - q.v.