How to update your own on-line calendar from this website

This page contains instructions how to download, and even keep updated, the calendar of events and regular meetings of Nene Valley.

Electronic calendar

Do you use full Outlook (not Outlook Express) to make a note of your appointments? Or perhaps you load them to your iPhone? If so there are now electronic methods of so doing.

Outlook users: Select this link: type in our club code (0446); select any number of previous years data you want included and presss Enter, which will open a new page labelled Generate calendar files suitable for importing into a calendar program eg Google Calendar, with the data in text form. Click on the Copy button and then paste into Outlook or Google Calendar. There is a link to Help on that page.

Peter G

Peter GlennonContact Peter Glennon about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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Electronic calendar

Mainly for Members

back This page, which is available to anyone who browses the site, gives access to handy information in the public domain