Rotary Walk

Thu, Nov 15th 2018 at 10:15 am - 2:30 pm

A short Circular Walk based at The Griffin's Head - Organiser: David Harrop

Rotary Walk


The Griffin’s Head, Mears Ashby


TEL: 01604 812715

Around Sywell Country Park

We will meet at the The Griffin’s Head, Mears Ashby to book lunch and then walk round Sywell Country Park - about 2 miles, and maybe car share to and from from the pub . There’s a £3 parking fee. Easy walking on paths, no stiles.

I suggest we all meet in the Café car park at Sywell Reservoir at 10.30/45am, after ordering our meal at The Griffin’s Head. There are toilets at the reservoir, too.

Lunch only –  meet 12.15pm at the pub

David Harrop


8 walkers turned up for the walk and 2 couples joined us later for lunch at The Griffin’s Head, Mears Ashby.  Myself, Dorothy and Erica Stevenson accompanied by Jack the Lab, met the others at the pub: Neil Percival, Brian Dickens, Margaret Jones, Peter & Anne Ruch-Davies making up the walk party. 

We were unable to book our meals in advance as the pub did not open until 11am,  however the nearby Sywell Country Park had good toilet facilities by the car park where we all met again for the start.  This was preceded by the usual briefing about potential risks and hazards, which were minimal in this case.  We were not close enough to the lake to fall in and no savage animals were around to attack us!  Even cyclists aren’t allowed to cycle on the premises.  No bridges either so we did not have a halt for a  group photo!

So we set off along well trodden paths, which were a little uneven and bumpy in places due to some recent resurfacing taking place and evident while we were there.  The weather was mild and dry and we had a pleasant walk in a clockwise direction around the Country Park, observing the plentiful birdlife which abounded on the lake. Large areas of the woodland were also well provided with bird and bat boxes to encourage local breeding and provide winter roosts.  Even a much larger Kestrel nest box on a pole was sited by the lakeside.  Animal life was not so evident except for many walkers with dogs, which my Jack was pleased to greet with a tail wag and a sniff!  After about 3 miles we were back at the car park and then back to the pub for the meal.

We were met by Stan & Val Evans and Graham and Ann Mortimer at The Griffen's Head, which has recently changed hands.  It had been pleasantly updated in décor and furniture, and we were served some excellent meals by friendly staff.  During the meal the walking trophy (nicknamed Chris Mahony by Margaret) was handed on to me, much to my surprise and delight!  I can recommend the venue for future walks and as a place to pop in for a meal at any time

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