Visit to Rushden Transport Museum

Mon, Sep 12th 2016 at 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Riding the Box Car, a Visit the Museum and Supper for Members, Partners and Friends

Visit to Rushden Transport Museum

President Brian has organised a visit to the Transport Museum, with supper, for Monday evening, 12 September, for all Club members partners and friends.

Arrive at 6.00 pm for a ride on a 1945 LMS Brake Van from the station on the old Midland Railway Higham Ferrers branch (there will be several trips to accommodate everyone), then a visit to the museum - followed by a buffet supper in the Mk2 coach.  The bar will be open from 6.30 pm “‘til late”.


This was a very enjoyable and different kind of evening out for a group of Rotarians, at the old Victorian (1893) Rushden Railway Station, which started with a trip up and down what is left of the track of the Higham Ferrers to Wellingborough line.  Travelling in a converted brake van we went the entire length, twice, enjoying the view and trying not to wind the tempting brake wheel!

Once back at the station we were able to get close up to the Aveling & Porter traction engine, locomotive No 9449 - "The Blue Circle".  With a face on the front this engine is also "Fergus", one of the characters in the Thomas The Tank Engine series. It is known, too, as "The Pride of the Cement Works" because of its years at the Sodor Cement Works.  Its proud driver was on hand to tell us its history, advising that, although built in 1926, the basic design is Victorian.  It is a very rare, if not uniqe, variant of the design, having a single cylinder steam engine and wheels of different sizes.  Apart from hauling cement trucks at the cement works, the smooth flywheel was also used for belt driving a water pump (to charge its own boiler) and other machinery at the works.  In lovely condition this locomotive is regularly loaded on a low loader, and exhibited at events throughout the country.

Tearing ourselves away from this wonderful example of British engineering, we moved on to the Transport Museum.  This holds an eclectic mix of transport related memorabilia - both road and rail, including some bicycles, which to our surprise had been built by The Lightstrung company in Rushden.  This was established in the 1890s, when they made cycles which became known for their strength and were of lighter construction than bicycles then available. To reflect this the trade mark was "Lightstrung", based on the two words "light" and "strong" with 'strung' instead of "strong" - as that's how it was pronounced in Rushdenese.  However, on testing their weight, they were not exactly light by modern standards!

Wandering through the various areas there were many items of interest.  Old railway posters showing destinations were a glimpse of an art form that typified railway journeys in the past; road signs and other road and railway transport items filled every available space, and there was even a World War I exhibit, based on the people of Rushden.

Once we had seen everything we wanted to, we had the pleasure of a drink at the delightful little bar, where no less that eight real ales were available to satisfy even the most choosy ale drinker!  Thirst quenched, we repaired to the buffet car for an excellent cold buffet.

All in all this was an evening to remember and we thank President Brian for the idea and making the arrangements.

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