Club Walk from the World's End, Ecton

Thu, Apr 21st 2016 at 10:15 am - 2:30 pm

A short circular walk from the pub with lunch - Organiser: John Evitt

Rotary Walk

21 April 2016

From The World’s End

5 Northampton Rd, Ecton NN6 0QN

The walk will be approx. 3.5 miles, and not too arduous.  We’ll meet at the pub at 10.15 for 10.30, as usual, and a couple of cars (Cindy’s and mine, and if more than 10 walkers, one other) will be needed to take walkers to Sywell Country Park (5 minutes) - otherwise it’s a 4.8 mile trek.  We will walk round the reservoir, and then back to the pub across the fields.

The pub will be open, so that we can choose our lunches  There is a special lunch menu available at £6 for one course, or £9 for two courses, with a choice of three items - or a la carte should you prefer this.

Here’s the link to the pub’s website

John Evitt

A Stroll to the End of the World

The April Walk saw a stalwart group under the consummate leadership of our President assemble in the car park of ‘The World’s End’ at Ecton.  Having done the important job of ordering our food, which proved difficult for some members as we had only received the menus via e-mail about three days beforehand and were still undecided, we set forth IN CARS to the car park of Sywell Reservoir.

The weather was sunny but a mild winter chill still prevailed and those of us with only a vague smattering of hair/bald wished that we had brought a woolly hat – that is me, your scribe, who volunteered in an unguarded moment to fulfil this duty.  After Health and Safety advice (Don’t fall in !!!) from our leader we gently made our way around the reservoir accompanied by Jack the Labrador who was either miles in front or behind and Master and Mistress Harrop occasionally were in control but Jack was oblivious of their concerns and thoroughly enjoyed himself.

We also enjoyed ourselves as is our wont on these walks, chatting away and this month admiring the fresh green beginning to appear on the trees and the bluebells coming into bloom.  Had there been daffodils dancing in the breeze as well I might have given you a verse or two but fortunately for you dear reader that was not the case.

Having circumnavigated the reservoir some of our members retired to their cars and made a swift return to the pub but others soldiered on away from the lake, up the hill (in a very low gear!), across the fields to Ecton and joined up again for a very welcome drink before fourteen of us sat down to a great lunch.

We were all waiting eagerly for the monthly presentation of our ‘Walkers’ Trophy’ this month to be presented by last month’s winner, David Allitt.  None of us quite anticipated the winner but were delighted (nay, bemused) when David presented it to himself !!  His acceptance speech explained that the ‘Buckingham Palace’ bag within which our trophy had been contained for some time had gone missing and he hoped to find it before next month and then he would make a proper presentation.  Needless to say, we have been so pleased to welcome David back in our midst that we all thought he deserved to keep it for another month.......but watch out next month David!!

Another great walk in a great location with good company and super food; well done Mr President!!

Philip Saunderson

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