Headteacher's Endorsement

A letter of thanks for support provided by the Rotary Club of Bedford Castle

Rotarian Tony Wildman & Headteacher Chris Deller

Endorsement Letter

16th May 2024

The Bedford Castle Rotary Club has been invaluable to the students at Bedford Academy providing laptops and literacy aids to support students learning. The club have also held workshops to provide advice and guidance to our students regarding future destinations and mock interviews. This has been a fantastic experience for our students and will support them with their next steps.

The ‘Bridging the Gap to Combat Literacy Challenge’ in 2023, a sponsored walk across 100 Bridges on Bedford Embankment involving students, staff and Castle Rotarians was a huge success in raising funds to buy much needed equipment to help those in the Academy with reading and writing difficuties as well as providing funds for the Club to support other local charities.

As Head teacher I am proud to work closely with the club, their dedication to support BA, our students and the Bedford Community is exceptional and we look forward to continuing our relationship for events in the future.  

Chris Deller


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Bedford Academy

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