Bedford Academy - 100 Bridges Challenge - Purchases

Equipment Purchased with the funds donated

The funds raised and donated by The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle have been allocated to the purchase equipment as shown below

  • Subscribing to a new e and audio book provider and included a Wellbeing Package
  • A new cd player that connects to 6 sets of headphones to enable our students to listen to e-books and gives them an opportunity to discuss what they have read
  • 2 electronic dictionaries that 2 members of staff have shared with their classes
  • 2 scan pens that will scan and read the highlighted parts of texts to students
  • 2 bean bags
  • Software application to enable students to change the background colour of their screen to support students with dyslexia and visual stress. 
  • Purchase more beanbags and add some Manga books to an existing e-package.


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Bedford Academy

back The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle are working together with students and staff from Bedford Academy to raise funds for much needed equipment.