Bedford Academy - Interview Workshops

The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle were invited by Bedford Academy to assist in a new workshop covering interview skills. Building on to earlier Mock Interview sessions

Rotary were invited by Bedford Academy to assist in a new workshop covering interview skills, which is additional to the earlier Mock Interviews Rotary had previously participated in

The Interview Workshops are part of a programme where Year 12 students (6thForm) are assisting in developing the interview skills of Year 8 students and the purpose of Rotary involvement on March 7th and 14thwas to support the Year 12 Students in developing their skills and confidence in administering mock interviews, in other words training them in preparation for training Year 8s.

Many of us noticed a difference from the earlier mock interviews in so far as this was a much more coaching and advice session covering all aspects of running and participating in an interview with between 2 and 4 students per session.

The whole purpose of the workshops was to take the students outside of their normal comfort zone in order for them to consider best practice at interviewing techniques.

Rotarians Paul and Rex were invited back to BA to see at first-hand how the 6th formers faired when teaching interview techniques to Year 8, and they performed very well and passed on their newfound knowledge in an excellent manner. The feedback from the school was that all students now have a good platform on which they can develop their interview skills and careers.

In the weeks leading up to the workshops both the Year 12 and Year 8 students had been attending classes and lectures all leading towards future interviews and career paths.

Feedback from both teaching staff and students has been incredibly positive and what started as a pilot scheme to help develop interview skills has certainly been judged a success which they hope to carry forward to next year, with all feedback results being used to further develop the process.

We also expect the mock interview process to continue at the start of the new academic year in September/October.

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