After the Auction

A report from Rtn David Fletcher on a winning lot from the online auction with Charles Hanson

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A Visit to Island Hall

Castle Rotarian David Fletcher writes;

‘Back in November we organised an on-line charity auction sale to raise funds for School Readers and the Day Care Hospice. Amongst the many lots sourced by the Club and kindly given by a host of generous donors was an evening at Island Hall in Godmanchester, the family home of Christopher Vane Percy.

 Christopher works as an interior designer and his projects have included schemes at the Garrick Club and Mayfair’s Connaught Hotel. He is well known as the author of the definitive reference work on Lalique glass. Covid restrictions delayed the enjoyment of this lot which had been bought by Lesley and David Brown, and Sandra and Martin Quince, but on September 30th Christopher was finally able to welcome them to his elegant and much-loved 18th century house, where he hosted the evening and led a private tour of its remarkable garden and interior.

 Afternoon tea was served on arrival and a glass of two of champagne were enjoyed in the red saloon (see attached) with a variety of canapes prepared by Kate, wife of Rotarian David Fletcher Rotarian who arranged the evening.’

Pictured left to right are, Sandra Quince, Lesley Brown, CVP, David Brown, Martin Quince, and Kate Fletcher

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Kimbolton Country Fayre & Classic Car Show - Rotary Club of Bedford Castle will be supporting this event in 2024


New Members and New Forms of Membership


Bedford Castle Rotary Club put a great deal of effort into raising money for good causes. Over the past few years we have made charitable donations to the following:-


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle are working together with students and staff from Bedford Academy to raise funds for much needed equipment.


Sailability programme


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle has over many years sponsored many young people to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Courses


Members of the Rotary Club of Bedford Castle volunteers attend the Bedford Food Bank each week to assist in sorting the food donations ready for delivery


Every year the Rotary Club provides opportunities for adults and young people to build confidence and self-esteem by taking part in adventurous outdoor activities at the Calvert Trust's facility in the Lake District


The events and activities that Club Members are supporting leading up to Christmas 2023


BookTastic, Bedford’s Children’s Book Festival, brings the UK’s leading writers and illustrators to Bedford, inspiring children and encouraging them to engage with books and reading in an exciting and accessible way.


The Rotary Club of Bedford Castle providing support to a local Community Garden Project
