Rotary Young Artist and Young Writer competition

Results of the 2023-2024 competition.

Rotary Young Artist and Young Writer Competitions

For many years Rotary has been offering several youth competitions and for the last two years Meriden Church of England Primary School has taken part in the Young Artist and the Young Writer competitions. Both events are split into age categories and start with a Rotary Club round which Meriden Rotary has organised.

The competitions that have just finished, 2023 – 2024, attracted quite a good number of entries from the school in the Junior and Intermediate categories and the work was done during the Autumn Term. Suitably qualified judges were appointed, and all the entries were sent to them in January this year. The entries were of a high standard and in both competitions the judges had difficulty choosing outright winners and we had to obtain permission from Rotary District 1060 to have joint winners to go forward to the District Round of the competition that was held in March. All entrants into the club round were presented with a certificate from Rotary at a full school assembly.

When the results of the District Round were published, we were pleased to hear we had a winner in both competitions. District 1060 covers a large part of the West Midlands comprising around 50 clubs. Matthew was the winner in the Young Artist, up to 10 years old Junior category and Diana was the winner in the Young Writer 11 to 13 years old Intermediate category. The President of Meriden Rotary Club, Malcolm Leonard, had the pleasure of presenting them both with a Rotary District Level Winner Certificate and a £50 Amazon voucher. This confirmed our judge’s early opinion that the entries were of a high standard. Both entries went forward into the National Round of the competitions.

We have just been informed of the results of the National Competition and although neither Matthew or Diana won, they need to be congratulated that their entries reached National level. Meriden Rotary Club would like to thank the staff of Meriden Primary School for making time in their busy schedule, the pupils for taking part and the judges for giving their time and expertise. What will 2024 – 2025 hold in store? Some more great work, we are sure!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our Club visiting the Meriden C of E School Summer Faire


Results of the 2023-2024 competition.

Thank You letters from the kids taken for a day out

Report on the latest Kids Day Out


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