Lunch time meeting - 12.55pm - John Helliwell Marys Meals

Thu, Apr 20th 2023 at 12:55 pm - 1:55 pm

On Thursday 20th April 2023 President Brian Johnson took the meeting as he welcomed 18 Rotarians and guest speaker John Helliwell to this our lunch time meeting held at the Gilvenbank Hotel, Glenrothes.

President Brian Johnson gave the members the very sad news that two of our Rotarians had died in the past week, May Ford and Will Wishart a past president of the club in 2003-2004. We had also heard that one of our former members Dr Hamish Rothnies wife had also died over a month ago which we had only just heard about. A minute’s silence was held before the start of the meeting and our condolences and thoughts go out to all the families. The funerals will be held on 3rd May at 3pm and 4th May at 11am respectively in the Crem in Kirkcaldy,

Our speaker this week was John Helliwell who gave us a talk about Mary’s Meals which grew out of a charity called Scottish International Relief (SIR), which was set up after Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow and his brother Fergus took aid from their home in Argyll, Scotland, to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, during the conflict in 1992. Over the next 10 years, SIR expanded. It began building homes for abandoned children in Romania, helped returning refugees in Liberia by setting up mobile clinics, and continued to deliver material aid to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as funding many additional projects. SIR relied heavily on the generosity of local people in the village of Dalmally in Argyll, Scotland, who diligently donated food, blankets, and other items of aid, which were then stored in the family shed. That same shed still serves as the global headquarters of Mary’s Meals to this day. The Mary’s Meals campaign was born in 2002 when Magnus visited Malawi during a famine and met a mother dying from AIDS. When Magnus asked her eldest son Edward what his dreams were in life, he replied simply: “I want to have enough food to eat and to go to school one day.” That moment was a key part of the inspiration which led to the founding of Mary’s Meals, which began by feeding just 200 children in Malawi in 2002. Today, they feed 2,429,182 hungry children every school day across 18 countries.

The charity is named in honour of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who brought up her own child in poverty. There are 67 million primary school-age children out of school around the world; they must work or beg to survive. And when they do make it into the classroom, hunger affects their ability to learn. At Mary’s Meals, their vision was that every child received one daily meal in their place of education and that all those who have more than they need, share with those who lack even the most basic things. Their nutritious meals encourage children into the classroom – giving them the energy to concentrate – so they can gain an education and a brighter future. The organisation believes that children who receive Mary’s Meals today can, in the future, become the men and women who will help lift their communities out of poverty. They encourage those who share their vision to offer their time, money, skills, or prayers to reach out in love to those experiencing the effects of extreme poverty. Their commitment to a low-cost approach ensures that at least 93% of all donations can be spent on our charitable activities. Nearly every part of their work depends on dedicated volunteers: both those who help to serve school meals in their own communities and those who raise awareness of our mission in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales to grow the movement and feed more children. Together, they are helping to transform the lives of children in desperate need. 

The Rotary vote of thanks was given by Ewen Macdonald.

Anne Sampson advised that along with her grandson, Jean Haughey and Scott Galloway they had attended the Zone Final of the Primary School Quiz at Levenmouth Academy hosted by the Leven Rotary Club. The eventual winners being Portmoak Primary School who will now go forward to the District Final in Aberdeen.

President Brian advised that along with Ewen Macdonald, a photo shoot had been organised by Rose Duncan of Brighter Futures at Peploe Drive and Cadham Shops showcasing the newly installed Defibrillator cabinets.

This week Thursday 27th April 2023 is an evening meeting arrival by 6.15pm commencing at 6.30pm where our speaker secretary Ewen Macdonald with his St Johns Patient transfer hat on has organised CPR and defib training.

If you were interested in supporting the community and international projects get in touch by Private message on The Rotary Club of Glenrothes Facebook page. Like so many organisations we are always looking for new members whether Business owners or those already working in the community everybody will be made most welcome.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

A showcase of our annual awards Evenins

Lindsay Anne and Ewen

Annual past presidents dinner


Thank you from Shelter Box


a diary of all school /Rotary events 2018_2019


Our annual primary school quiz


Rotarians planting flowers at Riverside Park


Page for Presidential Handovers


Glenrothes Rotary Club Environmental projects


Rotarians visiting the School's special anniversary celebrations


Annual Kids Outing


Glenrothes Rotary Club are participating in the Books Abroad Project and will be collecting books from the end of March 2021
