Lunch time Hybrid meeting - 1pm Presidential Handover

Thu, Jun 23rd 2022 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


On Thursday 23rd June President Brian Johnson welcomed 14 club Rotarians with 2 on ZOOM at this our lunch time meeting.

President Brian spoke about the District Conference; he had the pleasure of meeting Rotary peace scholars at Edinburgh Airport and welcomed them by taking them for a meal on the Friday prior to going to the Jack Vettriano exhibition and talk at the Rothes Halls where our Young Musician competition winners Vocalist Kirsten Fraser and pianist Gordon Tulloch were entertaining the guest. He then took them to Leven Beach on the Saturday afternoon after the conference. He spoke about our involvement with Ukraine with Geoff Sampson giving a talk at the conference of how our appeal had evolved, with our Ukrainian contact Natalya Averina compiling a response on behalf of her brother and herself. Along with Rotaries peace scholars from Afghanistan and Iran they had those attending in tears with their own stories.

District Governor Heather Stuart had contacted Brian thanking Glenrothes for our support at the conference.

Chantal Mrimi had brought back goods from her homeland during her recent trip to Rwanda, these items she raised £215 at the house of friendship table at the conference which will be getting sent to Rotary foundation in support of the end polio now campaign.

Will Wishart mentioned that he had been in touch with John Fergus school about Kids Out and that they were keen to go ahead with hopefully a visit to the Deer Park on Wednesday 14th September 2022.

With this being our Presidential handover day. Unusually President Brian was staying on as President for a further year, he had two hats on the table as he put on the bowler hat and spoke about his and the clubs past year and mentioned although we were a small club, we did a lot and were well supported by many in the community and thanked everyone for their commitment. He took his hat and chain of office off, walked round the room and came back, put on his Bob the builder hat, and spoke about our future involvement, as Secretary Anne Sampson came over and put the chain of office round the “new” President Brian Johnson. This then gave Brian the pleasure of placing the Senior Vice President’s chain round Scott Galloway as they take over officially from 1st July 2022.

It had been quite amusing prior to the meeting as new member Jean Haughey came to the meeting with a blouse with the wording IMAGINE on it which was very apt when the Rotary theme for next year is Imagine Rotary. Jean was totally unaware that this was the Rotary theme for next year.

President Brian Johnson and Treasurer Geoff Sampson gathered the collection from Café Café on Friday which raised £60, we would like to thank Alan Lambert and his customers for generously donating to our Rotary charity.

This coming week Thursday 30th June 2022 is an evening meeting at the Gilvenbank Hotel commencing at 6.30pm prompt with our speaker Joseph Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms – The Court of The Lord Lyon to which all are welcome as this should be a very interesting talk.

If you were interested in supporting the community and international projects get in touch by Private message on The Rotary Club of Glenrothes Facebook page. You will be made most welcome.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our annual primary school quiz


a diary of all school /Rotary events 2018_2019


Rotarians planting flowers at Riverside Park


Rotarians visiting the School's special anniversary celebrations


Annual Kids Outing


Page for Presidential Handovers


Glenrothes Rotary Club Environmental projects


Glenrothes Rotary Club are participating in the Books Abroad Project and will be collecting books from the end of March 2021


A showcase of our annual awards Evenins


Thank you from Shelter Box

Lindsay Anne and Ewen

Annual past presidents dinner
