Lunch time meeting - ZOOM Meeting - Georgia Rampling - Shelter box update

Thu, Mar 10th 2022 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


On Thursday 10th March 2022 President Brian Johnson. welcomed 17 Club Rotarians and guest prospective new member Jean Haughey and speaker Georgia Ramplin to this our monthly ZOOM lunch time meeting.

Wilna Roger the Young Artist Competition judging will take place this coming Tuesday (yesterday).


Our speaker this week was Georgia Ramplin from Shelter Scotland who were formed on 3 October 1968, harnessing the anger and compassion that had catapulted Shelter into the nation’s conscience in 1966. the Right at the start, Shelter’s founders recognised that the housing problems in Scotland were as acute as anywhere else in the UK. These problems demanded immediate attention. But the founders also saw that, with separate Scottish law and institutions, the campaign in Scotland needed a different response.

The Scottish campaign was launched, with Ronald Dick as its first director, and chaired by Sir David Steel, later to become the leader of the Liberal Party and first Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament.

Other leading figures included Richard Holloway, later Bishop of Edinburgh and chair of the Scottish Arts Council; Winnie Ewing, at various times MP, MEP and MSP; and entertainers Stanley Baxter and Andy Stewart. The immediate focus of Shelter Scotland was the appalling legacy of slum homes in the towns and cities, where poor health and overcrowding were rife. Shelter Scotland lay behind the formation of several housing associations, including Castle Rock Housing Association in Edinburgh, which, as Places for People Scotland, goes from strength to strength today. They strive every day to give people struggling with bad housing or homelessness the help they need, through their advice, support and legal services, they campaign relentlessly to achieve their vision of a safe, secure, affordable home for everyone.


The Rotary Vote of thanks was given by President Brian Johnson


Chantal Mrimi and Wilna Roger had attended Glenrothes High School where they met with the Interactor club who were looking to support an international project, A demonstration and explanation On Water Filters. Whenever a disaster strikes, whether it is natural or man-made, there is always an urgent need to provide safe drinking water to those affected. Water supplies are typically severely affected in the aftermath of a disaster. Water pipes may be destroyed, or the water supply will be contaminated with water from sewage and drains. In these circumstances people have no choice but to collect water from available local sources, such as streams, rivers and wells. Such water is often contaminated and unsafe to drink. Water-borne diseases such as cholera will spread rapidly and will affect particularly the more vulnerable young and older members of a community. Research in the field has identified two requirements: a water supply for schools, medical clinics, and other community centres; and a water supply for family groups of about five individuals. The innovative AquaFilter technology produces safe and clean drinking water instantly and reliably without the need for chemicals. The AquaFilter Family and Community units are based on sub-micron filters which are impenetrable to bacteria and most viruses.

Further discussion took place on the ongoing Ukrainian appeal, where financial donations are being made through the various online appeals, which we have also supported when we receive cash funding, Our club deciding to continue to collect essential goods, categorise, box and organise transportation from the Glenrothes Sport and Community Hub at the Gilvenbank Park to a suitable storage container in Kirkcaldy, with onward transmission to Poland/Ukraine. Having sent a large van load to Linton Lane Community Centre, Templehall in Kirkcaldy (who are no longer collecting) last week another large vehicle from Denside Removals took a further load away on Tuesday. We would like to thank everybody who has brought along a vast amount of goods and have offered their services to help sort and pack. We are hoping that the goods we have boxed will move on Tuesday (yesterday) and get loaded into a container on Wednesday for onward transmission.

This coming Sunday a fundraiser is being held at the Cadham Community Hall from 12noon to 3pm organised by Hammy’s convenience store and supported by ourselves. The afternoon should be a lot of fun for children and families during these very difficult times,   

This coming week Thursday 17th March 2022 is a lunch time Hybrid meeting with our speaker Tom Woods. Modern Day Murders and the role of the Forensic Pathologist and we will also be inducting Jean Haughey as a club member with the meeting commencing at 1.00pm.

If you were interested in supporting the community and international projects get in touch by Private message on The Rotary Club of Glenrothes Facebook page. You will be made most welcome.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our annual primary school quiz


a diary of all school /Rotary events 2018_2019


Rotarians planting flowers at Riverside Park


Rotarians visiting the School's special anniversary celebrations


Annual Kids Outing


Page for Presidential Handovers


Glenrothes Rotary Club Environmental projects


Glenrothes Rotary Club are participating in the Books Abroad Project and will be collecting books from the end of March 2021


A showcase of our annual awards Evenins


Thank you from Shelter Box

Lindsay Anne and Ewen

Annual past presidents dinner
