Lunch time ZOOM meeting - Mike Delaney from Happy Beaches

Thu, May 13th 2021 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


On Thursday 13th May 2021 in the absence of President Geoff Sampson the meeting was chaired by incoming President Brian Johnson who welcomed 16 members and guest Sophie Griffiths, as well as today’s speaker Mike Delaney to this lunch time meeting held by ZOOM.

Our speaker today was Mike Delaney whose background was in Forestry but today he spoke as the founder of Happy Beaches, a small but effective environmental group which started up 5 years ago.  When walking on Leven beach he was horrified by the wrappers everywhere, even more so when his dog cut a paw on a tin can and so there and then he began filling poo bags, 20 in total.  And that was the beginning, the aim of Happy Beaches is to encourage people to get outside to enjoy their surroundings and to meet up with likeminded people with whom friendships are formed while protecting our environment.  Mike explained that time is of the essence.   A crisp packet takes 80 years to biodegrade, a cigarette butt 10/12 years and tinfoil wrappers never biodegrade at all.

As time went on Fife Coast and Countryside Trust provided a skip on Leven prom in which 17 tonnes of rubbish were gathered last year. Fife Council provide bags and allow access to local recycling centres and Scottish National Heritage permits access to restricted areas for litter picking events.  Keep Scotland Beautiful and the Forestry Commission are also involved,

Mike and his wife talk to primary school classes who join in litter picking days along with students from Fife college and the group has a following of 8000 on the Happy Beaches Facebook page.
There were many enthusiastic comments and questions from those present.

The Rotary vote of thanks was given by David Cooper.

Wilna Roger spoke about the breakfast meeting with the Rectors of the 3 local High Schools next week regarding the club’s potential projects next session and encouraged members to consult both the District and club websites to find details of the competitions. Wilna explained that members new to school projects would be supported by herself and other experienced Rotarians and invited anyone interested to contact her.

Our mother club Kirkcaldy Rotary celebrated 100 years on 11th May 2021. We wish them well as they celebrate this amazing achievement.

The Old Tools and Sewing machines project lead by Rotarian Iain Oates (phone 07423 195333) in conjunction with The Ecology Centre at Kinghorn’s Tool Shed who are refurbishing old tools donated by the public and, with the help of the charities Tools for Self-Reliance and the Global Concerns Trust, are shipped out to people with physical disabilities in Malawi. Although this is an ongoing project with a focus also on haberdashery / patterns, we are looking to draw our involvement to a close by the end of May.

The Books abroad project is gathering momentum as support is coming in from schools and the public.

This coming week Thursday 20th May 2021 our meeting will be held on ZOOM at 1pm

If you were interested in supporting the community and international projects get in touch by Private message on The Rotary Club of Glenrothes Facebook page. You will be made most welcome.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotarians visiting the School's special anniversary celebrations


Annual Kids Outing


Rotarians planting flowers at Riverside Park


Page for Presidential Handovers


A showcase of our annual awards Evenins


Glenrothes Rotary Club Environmental projects


Thank you from Shelter Box


Glenrothes Rotary Club are participating in the Books Abroad Project and will be collecting books from the end of March 2021


Our annual primary school quiz

Lindsay Anne and Ewen

Annual past presidents dinner


a diary of all school /Rotary events 2018_2019
