Lunch time ZOOM meeting - 1pm - Gail Carstairs / Gary speaking about ENABLE charity

Thu, Apr 29th 2021 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Club members please log in for more information.

On Thursday 29th April 2021 President Geoff Sampson. welcomed 18 club Rotarians, Doreen Gray, Rotarian from the Cupar Club and our speakers Gail Carstairs (Fife) and Gary Aimes (Glasgow) of ENABLE charity to this lunch time meeting held by ZOOM.

Our speakers this week were Gail Carstairs and Gary Aimes from ENABLE Fife and Scotland respectively.

ENABLE Scotland was founded in 1954 and are a Scottish charity, working for an equal society for every person who has a learning disability. This was originally set up by five sets of parents of children who had a learning disability. They believed that their children had the same rights as everyone else. This is still what they believe and fight for today. Today, ENABLE Scotland is a vibrant, modern, membership led charity which empowers individuals and organises communities at grassroots level to speak up for the human rights of every person who has a learning disability and their family members. Enable Fife based in Glenrothes are part of Enable Scotland and were set up in 2015 for a period originally covering 3 years but now continuing. is an independent project funded by the Government set up to look at people who are on care packages. They provide a wide range of support services for people who have a learning disability in Fife. With a growing membership and supporter network of 12,000 people across Scotland, together, they believe in an equal society for every person who has a learning disability.  Every day, they campaign, connect people, fundraise, and offer support and advice in every community to make this a reality. Every year, they directly support 3,119 people in every local authority area to: they are local activists, get specialist information, advice and advocacy and access community-based support across a growing network of 72 local groups Their members are at the heart of everything they do.  Through their growing active community network, they tell them about the issues that matter most to them, and they empower them to speak up and drive the change they want to see.

The Rotary Vote of Thanks was given by Anne Sampson.

Last Sunday 25th April the District 1010 Assembly on ZOOM where 201 people from the clubs in our District attended with the theme for next year being announced which is “Serve to change lives”

Wilna Roger advised that the Muirhead Outreach Sponsored walk date had been changed due to new regulations.

The Old Tools and Sewing machines project lead by Rotarian Iain Oates (phone 07423 195333) in conjunction with The Ecology Centre at Kinghorn’s Tool Shed who are refurbishing old tools donated by the public and, with the help of the charities Tools for Self-Reliance and the Global Concerns Trust, are shipped out to people with physical disabilities in Malawi. Although this is an ongoing project with a focus also on haberdashery / patterns, we are looking to draw our involvement to a close by the end of May.

The Books abroad project is gathering momentum as support is coming in from schools and the public.

This coming week Thursday 6thMay 2021 our meeting will be held on ZOOM at 1pm our speaker will be Barry Fisher CEO Keep Scotland Beautiful

Vote of Thanks by Brian Johnson.

If you were interested in supporting the community and international projects get in touch by Private message on The Rotary Club of Glenrothes Facebook page. You will be made most welcome.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Thank you from Shelter Box

Lindsay Anne and Ewen

Annual past presidents dinner


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a diary of all school /Rotary events 2018_2019


Rotarians planting flowers at Riverside Park


Rotarians visiting the School's special anniversary celebrations


Annual Kids Outing


Page for Presidential Handovers


Glenrothes Rotary Club Environmental projects


Glenrothes Rotary Club are participating in the Books Abroad Project and will be collecting books from the end of March 2021


A showcase of our annual awards Evenins
