This first Saunter we have organised was very successful, and received many praises from those taking part

This was a tester to see whether enough people would want to take part in a similar event to our Wander, but in September. Uptake was very slow at first, but a flurry of entries in the past two weeks meant we were able to go ahead. We are pleased that we did, because there were 87 entries, with 79 actually taking part and all finishing! The numbers were much lower than for the Wander, of course, but considering that most established walks/runs are experiencing much reduced number, we were satisfied. Added to that, everyone seemed to enjoy it, with many being very complimentary, especially about how scenic the course was. So we will hold the Saunter again next  year on 23rd September 2023.

For those interested in times and placings, click on Results

I would like to thank the RAYNET volunteers who manned the radio communications in the school and at the checkpoints, and all the Rotarians and friends who helped, either in the school or on the course. Thanks also to Rtns Richard Pennell and Chris Wheatley for the photos.

We will have made around £1,000, which we will be giving to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Chris WheatleyContact Chris Wheatley about this page:

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President Ray firing starting pistol

SEPTEMBER SAUNTER 21st September 2024

back We were pleased with the increased entry for our second Saunter, particularly how much people enjoyed the route. So the 2024 Saunter will be over the same route.

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We were pleased with the increased entry for our second Saunter, particularly how much people enjoyed the route. So the 2024 Saunter will be over the same route.


The Club supports a number of projects within our local community.


The Rotary Foundation is the charitable trust fund of Rotary International. In simple terms it is OUR charity and it belongs to every one of us who holds membership of any Rotary club world-wide.


Some of the charities we support


The club is involved in a number of activities for the benefit of young people

Walkers receiving sausages in bread roll and drinks at halfway on long route

This popular Walk/Run was back to normal in 2023, so we hope to see many new entrants in 2024, as well as our regulars, some of whom have been coming for 20 years or more! This year, we are again supporting Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Members and partners enjoying Christmas dinner 2013

We meet Monday evenings, monthly for business meetings, others may be for speakers or excursions etc.
