Rotary in Wensleydale Photo Galleries

Visit to Markenfield Hall

Visit to Markenfield Hall

Members visited Markefield Hall, near Ripon. Built in the 13th century this moated house has remained much as it was when it was built

Rotary North Group School Technology Tournament 2023

Rotary North Group School Technology Tournament 2023

Wensleydale Rotary Club members helped steward and judge the efforts of students at the Rotary Technology Challenge 2023

Wensleydale Wander 2024 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2024 Report

This year we had 433 entries and 391 runners and walkers starting, taking numbers back to pre-covid levels. They enjoyed much better weather and ground conditions than were predicted!

Visit to Theakstons Brewery

Visit to Theakstons Brewery

Club members went to Theakston's Brewery at Masham for a tour

Wensleydale Young Musician of the Year

Wensleydale Young Musician of the Year

As part of the Rotary National Young Musician of Year competition, Wensleydale Rotary Club joined with BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts in Leyburn to hold the Wensleydale Area heat of the competition held on the 2nd December.

Collecting for Physionet

Collecting for Physionet

Wensleydale Rotary Club's President Ray Wilkinson brandishes crutches which were part of the vanload of mobility aids collected in the dale by the club.

Wensleydale Wander 2023 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2023 Report

A much improved turnout of 346 runners and walkers showed that we are finally recovering from the effects of the Covid lock downs.

Charter and Handover 2023

Charter and Handover 2023

Members and guests enjoyed a talk by Tom Orde Powlett about his family history and their environmental efforts.

Excursion to Newby Hall Gardens

Excursion to Newby Hall Gardens

A small group of us enjoyed exploring Newby Hall Gardens



Prizes given out

Later finishers

Later finishers

Photos of of those finishing out of the top 100

First 100 runners at Finish line

First 100 runners at Finish line

Photos of each runner in order of finishing, apart from first two, for some reason.

Photos of last 26 Runners through Gate 6

Photos of last 26 Runners through Gate 6

Needed due to large numbers of photos



This first Saunter we have organised was very successful, and received many praises from those taking part

Rotary Technology Challenge

Rotary Technology Challenge

Wensleydale Rotary Club members David Spashett and Howard Binks judge the efforts of students at the 2022 Rotary Technology Challenge.

Visit to Tennants Silverware

Visit to Tennants Silverware

Members of Wensleydale Rotary Club recently visited Tennants Fine Auctioneers where Tennants’ silverware expert Jeffrey Lasseline gave a talk demonstrating some of the items going into their upcoming Fine Jewellery, Watches and Silver Auction

Annual Charter & Handover evening 2022

Annual Charter & Handover evening 2022

Our 42nd Charter Evening, having first chartered in 1980, was again a big success.

Photos of Finish & Presentations

Photos of Finish & Presentations

These photos have been kept separate from the main page

Wensleydale Wander 2022 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2022 Report

Despite reduced numbers due to Covid, 225 Walkers and Runners took part in ideal conditions to enjoy the magnificent views.

Wensleydale Rotary provide marshals for Jubilee Beacon at Leyburn

Wensleydale Rotary provide marshals for Jubilee Beacon at Leyburn

They attended the lighting of a Jubilee beacon on The Shawl in Leyburn. Pictured are ; Jeremy Burchill, David Milner, Howard Binks, Ray Wilkinson, John Morton, David Spashett and David Blakeley. The beacon was lit by Councillor Mandy Spenceley

Ray's Coffee Morning

Ray's Coffee Morning

The coffee morning was a great success !

Rotary Young Leadership Award (RYLA)

Rotary Young Leadership Award (RYLA)

Wensleydale Rotary sponsored a local student to attend the annual RYLA residential week at Hebden Bridge

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2021

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2021

Wensleydale Rotary volunteers served tea/coffee to Show organisers before the Show started then manned a tent raising funds for charities.

Wensleydale Wander 2021 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2021 Report

Wensleydale Rotary Club's Annual Wensleydale Wander returned to the dale yesterday. It was a friendly and sociable walk through The Dale in aid of our usual charities. The principal charity for the event is Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Aysgarth Falls volunteer litter picking

Aysgarth Falls volunteer litter picking

The superb early summer weather continued as Wensleydale Rotarians volunteered on Tuesday to pick up litter after the busy bank holiday weekend.

New Venue

New Venue

Members moved our Rotary plaque to the new venue

An evening at the Proms

An evening at the Proms

12 members and partners thoroughly enjoyed The Great Yorkshire Proms at Harewood House

Women in the Army a talk by Sue Ryding

Women in the Army a talk by Sue Ryding

Our guest speaker yesterday evening was Sue Ryding, who gave a very informative and entertaining talk on The Role of Women in The Army (a personal view).

Visit to RC Upper Eden Charter Evening

Visit to RC Upper Eden Charter Evening

Ray, Philip, Albert and David's Muscroft and Milner met old friends at Upper Eden Rotary Club for their 42nd Charter Night in Brough.

An Indian Decade by Dr Cheryl Hardy

An Indian Decade by Dr Cheryl Hardy

Our wonderfully entertaining speaker on the 23rd was Dr Cheryl Hardy, on the subject of “An Indian Decade” of Politics, Education and Textiles.

A visit to Saltaire

A visit to Saltaire

Day trip to the World Heritage Site at Saltaire.

Barbecue at Barrie's

Barbecue at Barrie's

14 members and partners enjoyed an excellent barbecue at Barrie's house

Visit to Coverham Abbey

Visit to Coverham Abbey

The Club took advantage of a once a year opportunity to visit Coverham Abbey, near Middleham, for its yearly plant fair and open day.

Excursion to Jervaulx July 2021

Excursion to Jervaulx July 2021

A group of Wensleydale Rotarians and friends visited Jervaulk Abbey for a guided tour followed by tea in the cafe.

Visit to Himalayan Gardens

Visit to Himalayan Gardens

Wensleydale members enjoyed a visit to the Himalayan Gardens

Excursion to Bolton Castle

Excursion to Bolton Castle

For our second Wensleydale Rotary excursion we visited a very local landmark, Bolton Castle.

2021 Charter Dinner & Handover under Covid Restrictions

2021 Charter Dinner & Handover under Covid Restrictions

A very different Charter Night with a Bring & Share picnic at Ray's house, with musical entertainment by Colin Bailey and Blue Box , limited to 30 people, but very successful and enjoyable.

Rotarians help marshal at vaccination centre

Rotarians help marshal at vaccination centre

Wensleydale Rotarians helped to marshal arrivals as the covid vaccination programme began at Tennants auction room in Leyburn.

Rotary helps Chopsticks Charity

Rotary helps Chopsticks Charity

Rotarians from several clubs in North Yorkshire helped at the charity Chopsticks to pack bags of kindling

Charity Auction

Charity Auction

Wensleydale Rotary held a Charity Auction to help compensate for having to cancel major fundraising events due to Covid-19

Rotary North Group School Technology Tournament 2020

Rotary North Group School Technology Tournament 2020

Wensleydale Rotarians, along with colleagues from Thirsk and Northallerton, hosted this year's School Technology Tournament at Catterick Garrison

Wensleydale Charter Night/Handover Dinner

Wensleydale Charter Night/Handover Dinner

In view of the Covid-19 restrictions, Charter night was virtual, using Zoom. This was the first Zoom Charter in District 1040, and was very successful. There were 48 “screens” and 72 guests from 16 clubs!

Rotary north Group School Technology Tournament 2019

Rotary north Group School Technology Tournament 2019

Wensleydale Rotarians, along with colleagues from Thirsk and Northallerton, hosted this year's School Technology Tournament at Catterick

Wensleydale Wander 2019 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2019 Report

There was a record entry of over 500 this year, with conditions that were excellent for running, though cold for the walkers, and very cold for the marshals!

Rotary Citation with Silver Distinction

Rotary Citation with Silver Distinction

Wensleydale Rotary Club were awarded a Rotary Citation with Silver Distinction for its work in 2018-19

Wensleydale Rotary Charter and Handover 2019

Wensleydale Rotary Charter and Handover 2019

It is fair to say that our Charter night and handover was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Outgoing president David Spashett handed over to Wensleydale's first female president Susan Rogers at The Creamery in Hawes.

Helping at James Herriot Run 2019

Helping at James Herriot Run 2019

Members, family and friends enjoyed helping at the event

Inter-school Challenge 2019

Inter-school Challenge 2019

Wensleydale Rotary Club gives a small sum of money to each Primary School in the Dale and challenges them to increase it by whatever means for charity.

Blood Pressure Screening at Wensleydale Show 2018

Blood Pressure Screening at Wensleydale Show 2018

Wensleydale Rotarians were out in force taking blood pressures at the Wensleydale Show,as part of STROKE awareness

Christmas Dinner 2018

Christmas Dinner 2018

40 members and guests attended the annual Christmas Dinner, this time at our new venue, the Bolton Arms

Rotary School Technology Tournament 2018

Rotary School Technology Tournament 2018

Wensleydale Rotarians, along with colleagues from Thirsk and Northallerton, hosted this year's School Technology Tournament at Catterick

District Conference 2018

District Conference 2018

Five members and three wives attended District Conference in Scarborough

Inter School Challenge 2017

Inter School Challenge 2017

Wensleydale Rotary Club gives a small sum of money to each Primary School in the Dale and challenges them to increase it by whatever means for charity.

Pancake Evening 2018

Pancake Evening 2018

Members and partners gathered at Preston on Scar village hall for their annual pancake evening.

Charter and Handover 2018

Charter and Handover 2018

About 60 members and guests enjoyed an excellent evening in Calverts restaurant in the Wensleydale Creamery on 29th June

Wensleydale Wander 2018 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2018 Report

There was a record entry of 471 walkers and runners, with 403 actually taking part on the day

Christmas Dinner 2017

Christmas Dinner 2017

Although numbers were lower than usual, for various reasons, the 20 members and wives that did attend had a very enjoyable evening in Tennants Dining room.

Visit to Foxglove Covert

Visit to Foxglove Covert

12 Wensleydale Rotarians and wives enjoyed a fascinating visit to Foxglove Covert in Catterick Garrison

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2017

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2017

Wensleydale Rotarians ran a Know Your Blood Pressure session as well as a fundraising tent at this year's Show, helped by District Governor Robert Morphet

Rotary North Group School Technology Tournament 2017

Rotary North Group School Technology Tournament 2017

This year's Tournament was attended by some 80 students

Charter and Handover 2017

Charter and Handover 2017

Almost 50 Rotarians and guests enjoyed an excellent evening in Calverts restaurant in the Wensleydale Creamery on 30th June

Wensleydale Wander 2017 report

Wensleydale Wander 2017 report

The 2017 Wander was again blessed with perfect weather, even better than last year, and enjoyed by 352 walkers and runners.

Rotary Burns Night 2017

Rotary Burns Night 2017

Wensleydale Rotary held a very enjoyable Burns Night

Hillthwaite House Hotel visit 2016

Hillthwaite House Hotel visit 2016

A group of members and wives had a two day stay at Hillthwaite House Hotel in Windermere in October

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2016

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2016

Wensleydale Rotary members fundraised for local and international charities, and raised awareness of Rotary International's drive to eradicate Polio.

Charter & Handover 2016

Charter & Handover 2016

About 40 Rotarians and guests enjoyed an excellent meal at Hawes Creamery for this year's Charter celebration.

Wensleydale Wander 2016 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2016 Report

The 2016 Wander was blessed with perfect weather, enjoyed by 309 walkers and runners.

Rotary Foundation Banner awarded

Rotary Foundation Banner awarded

Rotary Club of Wensleydale was awarded a Foundation Banner for being 2nd highest contributor per capita in District 1040

Christmas Dinner 2015

Christmas Dinner 2015

40 Rotarians, partners and friends enjoyed Christmas Dinner at Tennant's.

District Conference 2015

District Conference 2015

17 members and partners enjoyed the Conference in Scarborough

A Visit to Vintage cars in Coverdale

A Visit to Vintage cars in Coverdale

A large contingent of Rotarians and partners from Wensleydale Rotary, together with guests from Upper Eden Rotary, were allowed a viewing of Neil Corner's amazing collection of cars

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2015

Rotary at Wensleydale Show 2015

The Rotary tent at the Show was well manned and attended, with around £300 being raised from a bric-a-brac sale for the club Charity fund, and £165 from rafle tickets in aid of a MRI Scanner for the Friarage Hospital.

David Morton is inducted and Wendy Morton MP talks!

David Morton is inducted and Wendy Morton MP talks!

Wendy Morton MP gave a talk on "The road to, and life at, Westminster", and at the same meeting, David Morton was inducted as a member.

Herriot Run 2015 Before and After

Herriot Run 2015 Before and After

A few rose early to set up the tents but many attended the feast at President David's house after the event.

Charter & Handover 2015

Charter & Handover 2015

This year's Charter Dinner was unusual in that there were TWO members of parliament on the top table!

Wine Tasting in aid of MND

Wine Tasting in aid of MND

Around 50 Rotarians, partners and friends attended a wine tasting to raise funds fro Motor Neurone Disease

Two more new members!

Two more new members!

Andrew Moffitt and Mark Kitchingman were inducted as members

Wensleydale Wander 2015 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2015 Report

This year's Wensleydale Wander was again well supported and the weather was kind apart from a strong westerly wind, particularly on the higher ground.

Rotary Technology Tournament for schools 2015

Rotary Technology Tournament for schools 2015

Teams of four students from seven schools across North Yorkshire attended this year’s Rotary Club Technology Tournament at Catterick Garrison. This was organised by several local Rotary Clubs including Wensleydale

Christmas Dinner 2014

Christmas Dinner 2014

45 members, partners and friends enjoyed Christmas Dinner at Tennant's Auction rooms.

Wensleydale Rotary does Ice Bucket challenge for MNDA

Wensleydale Rotary does Ice Bucket challenge for MNDA

Seven Wensleydale Rotarians, and a Rotarians wife, accepted the Ice Bucket challenge thrown down to them by Northallerton Mowbray Rotarians.

Another two new members!

Another two new members!

Another two new members were inducted only three weeks after the last two! They included our third lady member.

Sally Lane's adventure in Ecuador

Sally Lane's adventure in Ecuador

Sally Lane and Lucy Porter described their experiences with Camping International in Ecuador. Wensleydale Rotary had given a donation to Sally to help her fundraising efforts to enable her to go.

Two new members on one day!

Two new members on one day!

David Spashott and Sian Lawton were inducted by President Philip Oliver and sponsored by Michael Hepper. Sian is our second Lady member

Yellow Bikes go to Charity for Recycling

Yellow Bikes go to Charity for Recycling

Following the recent Tour de France Grand Depart, there remained a large number of yellow bikes scattered about Wensleydale. The Rotary Club has been collecting some of them to be recycled and sent to third world countries.

Rotary club presence at Wensleydale Show

Rotary club presence at Wensleydale Show

Wensleydale Rotary Club held a stall at Wensleydale Show to raise awareness of Rotary and encourage possible new members to join.

7:00pm Dinner - Mark Arthur CEO YCC

7:00pm Dinner - Mark Arthur CEO YCC

Mark Arthur, Chief Executive of Yorkshire County Cricket Club was a guest at Wensleydale Rotary Club.

Charter & Handover Dinner 2014

Charter & Handover Dinner 2014

Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes again provided an excellent meal for the 60 or so Rotarians, partners and friends who attended this year's Charter and Handover night.

Wensleydale Wander 2014 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2014 Report

This year's Wander was the coldest yet, which may explain why there were the largest number of non-starters!

Jeremy Burchill inducted as member

Jeremy Burchill inducted as member

Jeremy Burchill was inducted as a member by President John Morton on 3rd March 2014

David Lambert inducted as Member

David Lambert inducted as Member

David Lambert was inducted by President John Morton on 6th January 2014

Club Christmas Dinner 2013

Club Christmas Dinner 2013

About 40 members and their partners enjoyed an excellent dinner at Aysgarth Falls Hotel

Inter School Challenge

Inter School Challenge

Primary Schools in Wensleydale were given a small amount of money and challenged to make as much money as possible, by whatever means.

Second new member in a month!

Second new member in a month!

Following David Blakely's induction at the September business meeting,Howard Binks was inducted at the October meeting. Coincidentally they used to live within 15 miles of each other but never met until they both attended a Rotary meeting in Leyburn!

Annual Quoits 2013 with RC Newton Aycliffe

Annual Quoits 2013 with RC Newton Aycliffe

The annual Quoits match with RC Newton Aycliffe took place at Aldborough St John on 26th June.

Charter & Handover Dinner 2013

Charter & Handover Dinner 2013

The 2013 Charter and Handover Dinner was again held at the Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes. 64 Rotarians, partners and friends attended.

Wensleydale Wander 2013 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2013 Report

There were 305 entries for this year's Wensleydale Wander despite the recent weather, and they were rewarded by a glorious sunny day.



THE CHIILDREN'S waiting areas at the Friarage Hospital's accident and emergency department have been transformed into a magical wonderland thanks to the Rotary Club of Wensleydale.

Wensleydale Tools Change Lives

Wensleydale Tools Change Lives

The tools donated by people in Wensleydale have been put into good use in Africa

GSE Team from Venezuela

GSE Team from Venezuela

The Rotary Club of Wensleydale has been hosting a Group Study Exchange team from Venezuela

Rotary Tombola at Wensleydale Show

Rotary Tombola at Wensleydale Show

The Rotary Club held a tombola stall at Wensleydale Show to raise funds for its community projects. All prizes were won despite the rain!

Michael Weatheralds 90th

Michael Weatheralds 90th

46 Rotarians and partners, together with Rtn Michael Weatherald's family, gathered at Penley's for his 90th birthday celebration

Club Charter Dinner & Handover Friday 22 June 2012

Club Charter Dinner & Handover Friday 22 June 2012

This year's Charter Dinner took place on Friday 22nd June at the Queen's Head, Finghall.

Hike and Quoits with visiting Rotary Club

Hike and Quoits with visiting Rotary Club

Berkhampstead Rotary Club walking group spent a day in Wensleydale, first hiking in Wharfedale guided by members of the Wensleydale Rotary Club, then being introduced to Quoits in the evening

Wensleydale Wander 2012 report

Wensleydale Wander 2012 report

There were 400 entries for this year's Wander- a record!

Rotary Technology Tournament for Schools

Rotary Technology Tournament for Schools

Eighty eight young people in teams of four students from seven schools across North Yorkshire attended this year’s Rotary Club Technology Tournament at Catterick Garrison. This was organised by several local Rotary Clubs including Wensleydale.

Fellowship meeting in Aysgarth

Fellowship meeting in Aysgarth

15 members enjoyed an informal evening at the George and Dragon in Aysgarth

Christmas Dinner 2011

Christmas Dinner 2011

This year's Christmas Dinner was held at the Queens Head, Finghall, and was very enjoyable

A Curry lunch in Newbiggin

A Curry lunch in Newbiggin

Rotarian Adrian Jones and his wife Margaret hosted a very successful curry lunch at their home in Newbiggin

Slideshow of James Herriot Trail Run 2011 at Castle Bolton and around12K

Slideshow of James Herriot Trail Run 2011 at Castle Bolton and around12K

Photos taken by Carol Haynes at around the 12K stage of the race.

Quoits with RC Newton Aycliffe

Quoits with RC Newton Aycliffe

The annual Quoits match with Newton Aycliffe Rotary Club took place in Aldborough St John.

Slideshow of James Herriot Trail Run 2011 between gates 13 -14

Slideshow of James Herriot Trail Run 2011 between gates 13 -14

These photos were taken by Cilla Alcock while marahalling at Gate 14.

Charter Night 2011

Charter Night 2011

The Rotary Club of Wensleydale held its annual Charter Night and Handover at Wensleydale Creamery on 24th June.

Wensleydale Wander 2011 report

Wensleydale Wander 2011 report

This year's Wander was again a big success, with over 300 entries and lots of sunshine!

Rotary Technology Tournament

Rotary Technology Tournament

The Rotary Clubs of Wensleydale, Richmond, Northallerton and Thirsk joined to organise a schools technology tournament

Rotary Team arrives at Nepalese schools

Rotary Team arrives at Nepalese schools

A team of Rotarians from Yorkshire, including one from Wensleydale, have taken computers to two schools in Nepal.

Crocus Planting at Askrigg Primary School

Crocus Planting at Askrigg Primary School

Pupils planted crocuses as part of the nation wide Rotary "Focus on the Crocus" initiative.

GSE team from Brazil arrives in Wensleydale

GSE team from Brazil arrives in Wensleydale

Members and Guests meeting at Penleys were very pleased to welcome the Group Study Exchange Team from District 4730 in Brazil.

Visit to Mark Johnston's Stables

Visit to Mark Johnston's Stables

Mark Johnston showed 25 Rotarians, wives and friends around Kingsley House stables

Club Charter and Handover 2010

Club Charter and Handover 2010

The 30th Charter & Handover took place at Wensleydale Creamery on 25th June.

Wensleydale Wander 2010 report

Wensleydale Wander 2010 report

There was a record turnout for the 2010 Wensleydale Wander, with 315 walking or running the routes, and only one having to drop out near the end of the 22 mile version.

Rotarians packed bags at Tesco's

Rotarians packed bags at Tesco's

Richmond and Wensleydale clubs worked together to collect at Tescos for Polio Plus the Rotary International project to eradicate polio from the world.

Christmas Dinner 2009

Christmas Dinner 2009

33 members and guests enjoyed Christmas Dinner at Friars Head restaurant at Akebar on 22nd December.

Presentation of Paul Harris Fellowships

Presentation of Paul Harris Fellowships

President Leslie Parfitt presented several Paul Harris Fellowships on behalf of the Club

Canal Cruise at Skipton

Canal Cruise at Skipton

30 members, wives, and guests enjoyed a relaxing canal cruise at Skipton. Among the guests were Adrian, Sarah, and their daughter Jemima from Australia.

Quoits with Richmond

Quoits with Richmond

Club members enjoyed a game of Quoits with large team of Rotarians from the Richmond Club at Downholme

Charter and Handover Dinner 2009

Charter and Handover Dinner 2009

Another successful Charter and handover dinner was held at Wensleydale creamery, with over 70 attendees.

Wensleydale Wander 2009 Report

Wensleydale Wander 2009 Report

This year's Wensleydale Wander was again a big success with over 230 entrants walking or running either the 22 or 12-mile routes

Rotary Technology Tournament

Rotary Technology Tournament

Rotary Club of Wensleydale joined with Clubs from Richmond, Northallerton, and Thirsk to organise a techology tournament for schhols in our area.

Wander 2008 report

Wander 2008 report

ShelterBox Roadshow visits Leyburn

ShelterBox Roadshow visits Leyburn

The ShelterBox Roadshow visited Leyburn on 23rd May, for two days, at the invitation of the RC of Wensleydale

Wensleydale Wander 2010

Wensleydale Wander 2010

An annual 12 or 22 mile round walk in in scenic Wensleydale, in aid, this year, of British Heart Foundation and local Rotary charities. Very friendly and great fun.

NZ GSE Team visit 2006

NZ GSE Team visit 2006

Keith Bancroft Rotary Walk & Tea

Keith Bancroft Rotary Walk & Tea

Rotarians were invited to bring family and friends for a walk in Wensleydale, including an exclusive opportunity to view Bolton Hall Gardens, followed by tea.



Lunch at the Mortons Aug 06

Lunch at the Mortons Aug 06

Fishing at Hawes Aug 2006

Fishing at Hawes Aug 2006

James Herriot Trail Run 2006

James Herriot Trail Run 2006

Charter 2008

Charter 2008

Views of Wensleydale

Views of Wensleydale

Wensleydale Show Rotary stall

Wensleydale Show Rotary stall

Preparations for Herriot Run 2008

Preparations for Herriot Run 2008

James Herriot Trail Run 2008

James Herriot Trail Run 2008

Best Kept Village Presentation

Best Kept Village Presentation

Keith Bancroft Walk 2008

Keith Bancroft Walk 2008

ShelterBox roadshow

ShelterBox roadshow

Ambassadorial Scholars visit Jan 08

Ambassadorial Scholars visit Jan 08

Community Projects

Community Projects

The Club supports a number of projects within our local community.

Wensleydale Show 2007

Wensleydale Show 2007

James Herriot Trail Run 2007

James Herriot Trail Run 2007

Charter 2007

Charter 2007

Visit to CB Hall gardens May 07

Visit to CB Hall gardens May 07

Wensleydale Wander 2007

Wensleydale Wander 2007

Views on Wensleydale Wander Routes

Views on Wensleydale Wander Routes

Christmas Dinner 2006

Christmas Dinner 2006
