2021 Charter Dinner & Handover under Covid Restrictions

Fri, Jun 18th 2021 at 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A very different Charter Night with a Bring & Share picnic at Ray's house, with musical entertainment by Colin Bailey and Blue Box , limited to 30 people, but very successful and enjoyable.

This year's Charter/Handover was very different to our usual Black Tie event at the Wensleydale Creamery, but we progressed from last year's virtual event by Zoom by having a real out-door gathering, limited to a maximum of 30 attendees at the home of the incoming President, Ray Wilkinson, in Thoralby. An extensive spread of food and wine was provided by various members and wives.

Entertainment was provided by Colin Bailey and Blue Box who help to develop local young talent, and who have been supported by Wensleydale Rotary. Everyone was impressed by the teenage singers and musician, and enjoyed listening to them.

Outgoing President, Adrisn Jones, handed over the President's jewel to Ray Wilkinson who, in turn handed over the President-Elect's jewel to John Morton. Susan Rogers then handed over the Past-president's jewel to Adrian Jone, with some difficulty due to the differnce in height!

All in all, this was a very relaxed evening, held in the open air in a lovely garden with beautiful views over the dale. Some members even said they preferred it to our usual more formal Charters.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

View to Coverdale

We were pleased with the increased entry for our second Saunter, particularly how much people enjoyed the route. So the 2024 Saunter will be over the same route.


The Club supports a number of projects within our local community.


The Rotary Foundation is the charitable trust fund of Rotary International. In simple terms it is OUR charity and it belongs to every one of us who holds membership of any Rotary club world-wide.


Some of the charities we support


The club is involved in a number of activities for the benefit of young people

Walkers receiving sausages in bread roll and drinks at halfway on long route

This popular Walk/Run was back to normal in 2023, so we hope to see many new entrants in 2024, as well as our regulars, some of whom have been coming for 20 years or more! This year, we are again supporting Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Members and partners enjoying Christmas dinner 2013

We meet Monday evenings, monthly for business meetings, others may be for speakers or excursions etc.
